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Barbara Z.


Member Since November 2000

My Story
I began going to Curves when my cousin said that I had to join so that she would continue to go. I quickly got into the routine and was going 4-5 times a week. In the first year I lost about 14 lbs and not quite 24 inches. At that time we used a notebook to sign in at the club. I was new to the area and I began to make friends. My husband and I go places around town and I say hi to friends that I have made. He always ask where I know them from. I usually say "Curves." It has become a place to work out, a place to make friends and a great support group. In 2006 my son was sent to Iraq. This was a very hard time for me as he is my only child. He was stationed in Germany at the time and had a new wife and baby. The staff and the friends that I have at Curves were a great support to me for that long 16 months. Everyone was always asking how he was doing and many were adding their prayers to mine for his safety.
Curves is a life style for me. Many ask how much I lost and wonder why I am still there. I tell them that this is for my heart. This is the greatest way to exercise for those who have a lot to loose and those that don't have that much. My husband travels for his job and when I have the opportunity I go with him. This has worked out very well as there are Curves all over the place. I have met the nicest people and been to some very interesting Curves. I recommend this to all my friends and some have even joined.
A few years ago our Curves became computerized for signing in. Just recently I reached my 1000 workout since we started using the computer. I am the first one at my Curves and I encourage others to work toward the goal. We have a very friendly Curves with some of the best staff members. I am so glad that I started Curves and I plan on continueing as long as I can.


Brenda H. Posted 03:05 07/15/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"Way to go Barb! I went to Curves for about a year and loved it too. "