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Annie P.


Member Since January 2007

My Story
My weight had been a problem for years. Living on a Farm and living just outside a small rural town left me little options in our cold winter climates and open praire gravel roads. I am a mother of 5 and had seen my weight creep up, year after year. With the busy summer farming months, there was very little time for me.
My Doctor was very concerned about my weight and high cholesterol levels. For my 50th Birthday, my husband and I went to the Yukon and Alaska. We tried hiking and even just walking. I was huffing and puffing so badly, I had thought my husband would have to go and get help for me as I felt unable to walk back to our campsite. That is when I decided I needed to change my life.
I was tired of hiding in the back row for photos, only to be pushed to the front line because of my height. I hated to see pictures my myself. That was not my large body. I was also tired of hearing myself being described as 'Pleasently Pump' or 'you take after the rest of your Family'.
I joined Curves in Jan. 2007.
Being faithful in my 3x times a week work-outs, I thought the pounds would just fall off. I was very surprized to see myself gain weight!. I was so embarrassed and depressed.
So, I thought I would 'stick it out' to 100 work-outs, to get a free t-shirt. Well I made the 100 work-outs and still had not lost any significant weight. Other members encouraged me to keep going. And so did the owner of my club.
She suggested I try The Curves 6 week Solution class with her. After trying and failing many diets, I was ready to try exercising and dieting together.
With the Curves diet, the pounds really started to come off. I ran thru the program more than a few times and have learned to keep the weight off! I lost 9 inches off my waist alone! Wow! and another 9.50 inches off my abdomen! I have been able to maintain my weight successfully for the past 5 months.
I know that this challange is for my health, and my life.
I will always have to work at my weight loss, but now I see how I look in pictures and I feel great!
My cholesteral levels are down, and my husband now has to keep up with me when we walk!
I am 68 pounds less. No more huffing. No more puffing. Life is great. I see the change and so do others. Thank you Curves for everything. And thank you members for all your support.
Love Annie

My Photos


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