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Janice W.


Member Since October 2001

My Story
I came into this world screaming and hungry at a whopping 11 pounds 4 ounces. I was eating baby food before I left the hospital.

Fast forward to gaining a lot of weight and attending college. During that time I became anorexic and bulimic. I worked out 4 hours a day. I lost 100 pounds in 6 months. I finally felt pretty (even though my bones were sticking out and my arms and legs looked like sticks).

On an episode of 60 Minutes I learned about the damage I was doing to my body and that I could possibly die -- that's when I sought help. I was in therapy for 2 years. I began smoking so I wouldn't gain weight. I smoked for 10 years 2 packs a day. I got tired of smoking and decided to quit. I took up crocheting to keep my hands busy. I made 6 afghans in a month! But I haven't smoked since.

Not only did use making afghans as a crutch, I also ate as a crutch. The pounds came back on slowly but steadily and suddenly found myself wearing a tight size 22W and 260 pounds! Oh how I hated shopping and trying on clothes. I felt humiliated. On the outside I acted as if everything was rosy, but inside I was miserable and hated myself.

Eight years ago, my brother died of a sudden massive heart attack at the age of 47. At my annual physical I was told that I needed to lose weight and exercise. I joined Curves. I hated to exercise (and still do!). But I faithfully worked out 3-4 days a week. I wasn't losing any weight but I felt better and stronger.

Four and years ago I decided time to find an eating program that I could and would follow for the rest of my life. I researched many and decided on a low glycemic index eating program. The program is based on whole grain products, natural foods, no white sugar or flour. I also stepped up my workouts to 6 times a week to help to get the weight moving off me.

It is now June 2009. I have lost 100 pounds through my eating program and working out at Curves (I have 1,800 workouts!). I am very proud of myself! I am now wearing a size 12 and feel great! I haven't had white sugar or white flour for over 4 years. I still hate to exercise! But it has become a habit or another crutch! But at it a healthy habit or crutch and I have made it a part of daily routine.

I love Curves! Curves is a second home to me--the friendships, love and support I get there is outstanding. The other members have been very supportive of me and kept me motivated to continue to work out and keep losing weight; without them, I know I wouldn't be where I am today! I also owe a lot of thanks to the Owner of the Curves I attend, Jodi Hastings. Her cheerleading and support gave me what I needed to keep coming back!

My Photos


Mary C. Posted 11:50 06/22/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"Keep up the execellant work and tell yourself, "I'm worth it!". If you don't do it now, when....?"
Jodi H. Posted 04:58 06/26/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"Janice is a genuine Curves woman through and through. She works out everyday and has over 1,800 work outs to date. She has lost over 100 pounds and follows an eating plan very similiar to the weight management plan. Everyone knows Janice here at the club and are very inspired by her results and commitment to her work outs. She is an Amazing Curves Member!"
Maryann M. Posted 03:05 06/30/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"Janice, keep it up you are an inspritation to me."
Bonnie M. Posted 01:20 07/2/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"Janice has been a great example for me. I am inspired by her commitment to her health and her friendship I have found at Curves."