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Nancy H.


Member Since September 2008

My Story
Upon retirement in May 2008, I decided to get a physical exam. I was devistated at the news. My cholesteral was at 230 and weight was 140. I then took a bone density test and I became high risk oestoporosis. I needed a change. The doctor suggested I go on meds and I told him to give me some time. He said come back in 6 months. I started Curves and in 6 months I lowered my cholesteral to 193 and my weight was moving very slowly. Then, I bought the Curves weight management book and decided I would go on the high protein diet. Lean and green all the way. Then, Kim at Curves started The Biggest Losers Contest. This was the insentive I needed. Kim weighed us every week. I did not win the contest but lost 10 pounds and felt great. I continue on my quest to lose and stay fit at 62 years old. I have the energy of a 40 year old. Thanks to Curves!


Julie Q. Posted 07:35 07/8/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"Way to go ,Nancy! Why didn't you say something last night?"