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Diane B.

Franklin Square

Member Since March 2009

My Story
I have always struggled with my weight, about 6 years ago I lost over 100 lbs. I was able to keep it off for awhile. Then slowly, it started to creep up. You know, you say to yourserlf ok, when I get to such and such weight, I will get back "on the wagon" and lose the weight. Well that didn't happen. Then last year I quit smoking (yay for me!) and I had knee replacement surgery. That went well but I developed serious complications from the blood thinners that they had to give me.I ended up in ICU for 5 days and almost bled to death. Luckily, I was given a second chance.You would think that because I was given a second chance that I would be ecstatic, well that really wasn't the case. So I went home, recovered and went back to work. Then I became so depressed, I didn't like myself and I didn't care what I looked like. Now, I have a friend in Scotland who I talk to on the "net" we have known each other for a few years. We have always been friends but he really didn't know how depressed I was as I really didn't let on that I was. My friends here in the states tried everything to snap me out of it but they couldn't.One day we were chatting and he said that I should look out for something the following Tuesday. Well, when I got home from work there were these absolutely gorgeous flowers waiting for me. They were from my friend in Scotland thanking me for being a good friend. At the time he had no idea how that one little gesture of friendship became my epiphany. all of a sudden I heard "SNAP" he was able to snap me out of my depression I suddenly realized that if someone who lives 4000 miles away cared enough about me to send me flowers, then I can certainly care about me too. That week I joined Curves and began changing my life. I am a member for just about 3 months and have lost 26 1/2 lbs and 20 inches so far. I make sure that I get there at least 4-5 times a week. During the week I am up at 4:30 in the morning to go to work. When I get home I am exhausted, but I am motivated and pick myself up and to workout. I never go less than 3 times a week. My friend in Scotland opened my eyes and made me realize that life is really good and that it is a gift that I should appreciate every day. I have a set goal in mind, but I keep it to myself, but when I attain it, the whole world will know.
I watch what I eat, I make sure I work out and it is really paying off, I love my life now and I now live it to the fullest everyday!

My Photos


Mary S. Posted 10:36 07/18/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"You have an amazing story and you are an amazing women. We are all very proud of you. Continue to enjoy life!"