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Member Since November 2003

My Story
Amazing, I'll tell you what's amazing,it's the changes in my body since I,ve joined CURVES! I have always been an exerciser, and have been very aware of the benefits it provides. As a full time working Mom of 2 wonderful children I was having difficulty figuring out how to continue to find time to exercise along with my other responsibilities. That's what first attracted me to CURVES. What made me stay were the results that I saw. At first I was discouraged as the numbers were not dropping on the scale as I had hoped but then I got measured. Yahoo! Now we were seeing results.
Over the course of the next 6 years I dropped and more importantly maintained a loss of 52 inches and 34 pounds. My BMI is in a healthy range and all because I was able to invest just 90 minutes a week to making a positive change in my life.
CURVES allows me to work out hard in each 30 minute session and gives me consistent feedback with the pulse checks to know that I am getting the maximum workout that I can. It has also helped me to meet some fntastic people, hear some great jokes and pitch in to help my community. Thanks CURVES.


Andrea B. Posted 11:01 07/22/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"You go girlfriend!!!! You are amazing!"