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Samantha R.


Member Since May 2007

My Story
I don't know if this is amazing for you guys out there, but it sure is for me. Ever since I joined up with Curves, I am alot happier and I feel like I have a reason for living. I have struggled with my weight ever since I was a teen and within the past 2 years have lost 30 lbs. and inches since i've joined Curves. I've tried so many diets in the past and joined many other fitness centres and still, not much weight would come off. Sure I would a few pounds, but then I would gain it right back in no time. I used to work out for over an hour, four times a week and it seemed like a never ending task which wouldn't give me weight loss results. When I go to Curves, I get the feeling that i'm loved there. It's like being in one big happy family. The staff are so caring and always make you feel welcome. They would talk to you because they genuinely care about your feelings. You could go in to do your workout, not know anyone and when you leave, you come out feeling special because members talk to you, no matter what you look like and the staff are very welcoming and really care about you. At first I thought they were just being nice because it's their job, but after a short time, I realized they truly care about your well being. I have beome a better person because of them. I would recommend Curves to anyone, because it really works. I am a much happier person now, than I was 2 years ago and I owe it all to the teriffic staff and program at Curves.


Samantha R. Posted 08:52 06/6/2009 - flag as inappropriate