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June G.


Member Since January 2009

My Story
I decided to join Curves because I was at a point in my life where my weight was making me depressed. I am 54 years old, and had gained nearly 50 pounds in less than two years, and it was taking its toll on my health. I felt tired all the time, my doctor was concerned about my blood glucose levels and my cholesterol was high. My blood pressure was also much higher than it should be as well. I realized I needed to do something about my health if I wanted to watch my grandchildren grow up, and I was tired of feeling bad about myself.

I decided to check out my local Curves club, and I was impressed with the CurvesSmart program,especially since the computer would make monitoring my progress so easy, and seeing the results of my workouts seemed like a great motivator. To me, it is a welcome challenge to always strive for "Green"! Mary, the club owner, makes a real effort to support every member on their journey to better health. The members also help to keep each other motivated. Mary introduced me to the Curves Fitness & Weight Management Plan, which is unlike anything else I have ever tried. It offers valuable tools to help not just lose the weight, but will also help me to maintain my goal weight when I reach it. The Plan is easy to follow and offers so much flexibility with meals that it hardly feels like a diet! I am never hungry, which makes the Plan easy to follow. I feel so confident that Curves is going to help me reach all my fitness goals!

When I first joined Curves, I worked out every other day. After about a month and a half, I noticed a difference in my appearance. My clothes started to feel looser and the scale showed a loss of 8 pounds, 7 of which was body fat! In addition, I lost 8.5 inches overall (wow!). For the first time in a long time, I felt good about myself and how I looked. That motivated me to work out every day, and I began the weight management plan. In March, I went back to my doctor for a physical, and I am happy to say both my cholesterol and blood glucose levels are both normal now! My blood pressure, which had been problematic for years was finally in a normal range as well. In fact, my doctor informed me that if this trend continues into my next physical, he will take me off my blood pressure medication!

To date, I have lost 28 pounds (a whopping 21.7 pounds of body fat!)and 34.5 inches. I have gained so much muscle tone and my clothes look good on me again! I especially love when people who have not seen me in a while cannot believe what I look like now. I take pride in how I look because weight-loss has always been such a struggle for me and I have worked so hard to get to where I am today. I like what I see in the mirror now. I also have incredible energy and no longer have any trouble keeping up with my toddler grandson, which makes us both very happy! I regret at one point letting my weight making me feel so ashamed of myself that I actually avoided taking pictures with him, especially on the slide at his first trip to the park. I now look forward to many "photo-ops" and will never miss a chance to be a part of these precious memories again.

I cannot picture my life without Curves. Focusing on my health has allowed me to take control of my life and become the person I want to be again.

My Photos


Melissa A. Posted 09:02 06/8/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"Way to stick with it."
Mary S. Posted 08:39 07/18/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"You are doing great! We are very proud of you."