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Michelle L.


Member Since February 2007

My Story
I am one of those people that have been struggling with my weight since I was 10 years old. I remember when I was younger countless attempts on my parents end to help with my weight, however all proved to be unsuccessful. As I got into my teens I tried many more countless diets, joined gyms and just about every exercise machiene that was on the market.I then had my first child and gave up, with the attitude that now that I am a mom it is Ok to be overweight. Years passed and my 2nd and 3rd child came. When my youngest was 3 1/2 I remember weighing myself and the scale reading 263 pounds. I was beyond horrified. I then went to my family doctor for a physical only to read on his file "patient is obese", I was only 30 years old and I felt like I had no options left.

In February 2007 I got a call from my local Curves. Recently new to the keswick area I had gotten a brocure somewere but tossed it laughing to myself. When the call came I got defensive but I did agree to go see what this was all about. I then began to set myself up for failure yet again............Boy I was wrong.

I had my first workout in Feb 2007 and by December 2008 I had lost in total 95 lbs and 74 1/2 inches. I went from a size 28 pant down to a 12. I have never felt better in my whole life. The circut was just what I needed. It was amazing 30 minutes in and out and it was finally "my Time", having 3 children and a full time job I did not get much of that.

I looked forward to my 3 times a week workouts and I know I will NEVER go back to were I was. I am finally happy and content with myself for the first time in many many years. I would recommend Curves to anyone experiencing anything similar to me. We are all average people just looking out for ourselves, no one is there to judge, only encourage and the end result can be truly amazing.
I am now in control and it feels great.

Michelle Lester

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