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Taelene S.


Member Since March 2009

My Story
Unbelievable, is the only word I can think of to describe what Curves had done for me. After my third pregnancy I had hit a high of 220 pounds. I was miserable, and very depressed because of my weight. Having a new baby is stressful enough but when you have all that excess weight plus depression which make each other even worse it was consuming my life. Desperate to find a solution that would actually work I went to curves in december to see what it was like. At that time I was about 201 pounds, not having the money to join at the time I waited until they had the food bank special which was perfect for me since I grocery shop all the time anyway. I found the staff to be very upbeat and friendly at first impression. The exercises were very fascinating to me since I had never done any circuit training before. It was rough on me at first, I sweat like a pig for that first week but wonderfuly I started losing weight. I was losing about two pounds a week. Plus I was slowly coming out of depression because of all the self confidence I was getting back because of Curves. So not only was I feeling better physically I was improving mentally. I find myself full of energy and wanting to exercise at times I didn't get to make it to curves. I feel like I could run around a football field or run a marathon. I have the measurements from my first visit where I could join in Novemeber of 2008 to May 27 and I could clearly see that I wasn't losing weight until I joined in March. I had lost 15.50 pounds from March to May!! It not a staggering loss of weight but realistic anyway. Not to mention 9.75 inches and 9.41 body fat. I beleive us women can achieve anything if we put our minds to it. I am living proof, not just at weight loss but at life. Never let anyone tell you can't do it, because they just want to keep you down. When people tell me I can't I try even harder just to show them I can. I had a baby in high school and people said I couldn't graduate but I did. I applied to college and people said I wouldn't get accepted but I did and am currently a junior with an associate degree already. The sky is the limit and with faith and curves you will reach your goals.

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Bobbi R. Posted 08:48 06/18/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"AWWWW sissy, you are doing great and you look great too!"
Clarissa E. Posted 08:07 06/21/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"I am proud of you girl!"
Joan M. Posted 06:17 07/2/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"Thank you for your wonderful story Taelene - you are a true beauty! We are all proud of you at your Morgantown Curves!"