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Sadie M.

Labrador City

Member Since May 2006

My Story
In 1980 I was diagnosed with cervical cancer, went to St. Johns for Cobalt treatment and radiation and once those treatments were done I had surgery for a hysterectomy. I was in ICU for twelve (12) days and I couldnt remember all those days, but I did wake one time and saw Mom and my sister Marie, I remember asking them what they were doing here. It was a long process for me as the healing took so long and then ended up with my left Kidney removed which was damaged through surgery. My stay at that time was from July to September and during that time my son was to start Kindergarten. So then I ended up with a blood clot in my left leg which caused Lymphodema from surgery, the treatment for that is message and wrapping which is a bit of relief. I went on with my life as best I could I didnt miss out on too much and as the time passed I was having trouble with my one Kidney which would block and I would get very sick and have to be hospitalized for treatment . I went to St.Johns and in 1999 I ended up with a Nephrostomy tube which I will have for the rest of my life and have to travel to St. Johns every six (6) weeks for the tube to be changed.

I was going to exercise for while and then when Curves came to Lab City my friend asked me if I wanted to join and me well was willing to try anything ,and I have to say it was one of the best things I ever did, the staff was always there willing to help and advise me. And as I exercise at curves I can say that it certainly helps me cope with Lymphodema and maybe tone up a little (ha). I am very motivated while I am at curves and it gives me great pleasure to be a part of it. Thanks Girls...

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Cathy H. Posted 05:36 06/16/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"hi sadie you have been through alot ,its never to late to get your life on track.you are an inspiration to anyone who reads your story.mine does not sound so bad when i read yours.we are going to kick some booty on our trip around the world.cathy"
Jean K. Posted 01:52 06/25/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"Fine Job!"
Renee E. Posted 03:34 07/3/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"Sadie, I'm glad you go to Curves, and I enjoy your company when I'm there, Keep on plugging, Way To Go Girl! :)"