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Mona G.

Signal Mountain

Member Since May 2004

My Story
I joined Curves shortly before my 50th birthday, and promptly gained weight. After all, I was going to a gym, so I could eat what I wanted, right? So, so wrong! I started out very slowly, 2-3 times per week, after work, which was hard because my hours were very unpredictable, and often I had to work past the time Curves closed. After a few months, I transferred to a Curves closer to my home in Signal Mountain (I worked 50 miles from home, in Cleveland, TN, at that time, and I joined the Curves near my office), and started going to Curves in the morning on my way to work. That was much better, and I got into a regular habit of Curves 5x per week in the morning, but it wasn't until May 1, 2007 that I finally made the decision to change my diet. I lost 79 pounds by the end of 2008, and had the attached picture taken on the morning of my 1,000th Curves workout. What a difference it has made in my life! I've gained some of the weight back, because I stopped paying attention to what I was eating, but I'm back on track now, and going to re-lose that weight, and the rest of the approximately 100 pounds I needed to lose when I started.

Joining Curves was the best decision I've made since moving to Tennessee 5 years ago. My husband agrees with me - he says I've blossomed!

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