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Nancy H.


Member Since May 2007

My Story
May 2009 was my 2nd year anniversary at Curves. When I started, I didn't need to lose a lot of weight, but being petite I did need to lose some but most importantly, get back in shape. Previously due to my work schedule of long hours, some travel, teenage children, and caring for an elderly parent, I had not been able to workout for some years. Just prior to joining, I had retired from 30 years of civil service (working for the Navy 25 years, and the Army 5 years) and was ready to accomplish the weight loss and get back in shape. With my great Curves and staff, I've done just that. In the first 9 months, I lost approximatley 25 pounds and began to tone up. At age 66, I'm in better shape than I've been in a long time. I workout at least 3 to 4 days a week. My husband says I can outlast him. My doctors are elated that I am working out at Curves and encourage me to continue for my bones and overall health enhancement. I must be good advertisement as well. I usually do my errands on the way home from my workout and people are always reading my "Curves" shirts. They either lighten up and say, I go to Curves too; or, ask me to tell them about Curves, what is it like? So, I get the chance to tell them all about Curves.

We have the "best" Curves in the country. My Curves is owned by Tina, located in Jacksonville. She is top-notch and so is all her "staff" (Vanessa, Dorothy, Lynn & Mary Ann). Tina and staff provide more than just a place to workout. They care about every individual that walks through the door. They are always there for us when we need "anything", especially personal assistance, from teens to seniors. Tina ensures every piece of equipment is in perfect working order, always clean and situated at just the correct angle for safety. She and her staff make sure the entire Complex is always sparkling clean from top to bottom. We have plenty of dressing rooms, restrooms, lockers, disinfectant for our hands, towels, water to drink, etc. Tina was one of the first to bring on the "Smart System" in our state. She keeps us posted on all updates concerning Curves. Tina also provides lots of extras for us. She brings things of interest to Curves that appeals to all ages; good workout fashions for purchase that are appealing yet comfortable. She provides the latest medical & health information, health food information, the latest vitamin information, etc. She provides classes in various health subjects.

I've been to several Curves in other cities, but none have met up to our Curves' standards.

Our Curves is the "GREATEST".


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