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Holly F.


Member Since November 2005

My Story
After topping out at nearly 200lbs, I knew I had to do something. Growing up I was always the fat kid and was almost constantly teased for it. When I found Curves I had been miserable for several months because of a long drawn out breakup with my fiance, had been taking antidepressants for a few years because of somethings that had happened before I met him, and from just adjusting to living with my parents again. After finding an ad online I applied for a job at a club in Alexandria, VA, and got it! Almost immediately I started losing weight, and by the time my birthday had come the following January I had lost a whole pants size and was excited to show it off to my friends. Once I hit a plateau with just exercising, I started the weight management program and after following the diet (with little breaks here and there, but still following the ideas of it!) I got myself down to about 150lbs by the time summer came around. With the help of the members, I had also lost more weight--I finally gained the confidence I needed to lose the fiance who had been neglecting me for so long and ventured out into the dating world again. That was when I met my husband who has been supportive of me getting down to a healthy 135lbs, and keeping it that way.
In the Summer of 2007 I left my job at the club in Alexandria, and moved to Southwest, VA where I transferred my membership. I made a few friends and then transferred to another club, because I made the decision to go back to school to get my 2nd bachelors degree in Biology. After 2 years of feeling somewhat like an outcast I finally started to feel at home! The owner, Becky was warm and friendly and very excited to get me as a member because of my previous experience as an employee. Getting to know the women at the Radford club gave me the confidence I needed to get out and get involved in the community and start volunteering my spare time with the local animal shelter.
Curves definitely has amazed me and I owe so much to it since it has helped me (as one of the shirts says,) live life better, not just different! I can say with total confidence that I am a lifetime member!!

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Judy M. Posted 10:47 07/28/2009 - flag as inappropriate
Judy M. Posted 10:50 07/28/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"Glad to find you. i am 30 miles from you in salem. Karen and Gale are great working with us . like family. Keep up good work on your weight"