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Chantel P.


Member Since April 2009

My Story
I joined curves April 7th 2009 and so far I love it! I have struggled with my weight for some time now. I have also gone through a lot in my life up to date. Ive now come to realize that Im not prepared to use what Ive gone through as excuses anymore for my health. I pretty much woke up one day and decided that I was going to do something about my overall health. The reason why I decided to join curves was because I have a super busy schedule as it is, so I was excited for the fact that I could fit the workout into it. I am currently in school full time (but am off for the summer) and I also work full time when Im in school and during the summer so my time is very limited.
When I first joined curves I made a promise to myself that I would stick with it no matter what it took. Im the type of person that when I want something I get it! I just got to the point where enough was enough and I knew it was time for change. Since I have joined I have been doing my best to go around five times a week and I really see and feel the results. Since April 7th (two months and 1 week ago) I have lost 11 pounds! I have also noticed a huge difference (positive increase) in my energy level, the overall way that I feel, and my confidence.
On top of going to the gym five days a week I have also joined a Kickboxing club and I try to attend that 2-3 times a week in the evening. I am also in the middle of trying to set up some private lessons so I can fast track my first belt. I have really gone from one extreme to the next. Three months ago I was not working out at all and getting very little exercise and now Im working out and doing kickboxing and both things fill up my whole week!
When it comes to my diet I have actually been slowing changing the foods that I eat to healthier choices over the past year. I have been setting small goals such as eliminating one bad food at a time or changing it to a healthier version. I learned quickly that I would need to do one at a time because just cutting out everything at once does not work very well. I have been doing very well with my food choices and Im pleased with the progress that I have been making.
Overall I am really excited for what the future holds and I have every intention of keeping up what I am doing. Ive had people ask me so far how I just changed everything like that and to be honest I dont really know. What I do know is I have all the motivation I need and I have not once said I didnt want to go to the gym because now I actually really enjoy going!

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Pauline D. Posted 10:42 07/26/2009 - flag as inappropriate