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Diane H.

Stayton, Oregon

Member Since November 2002

My Story
Hello Ladies,
I have been a member of curves since 11/02. Never going on a regular basis just when I had nothing else going on or to step things up before the summer season, you know for short weather.
07 was a hard year for me & my family by October I wasn't taking care of myself by that I mean I was 205lbs size 16 the biggest I had ever been in my adult life. I wasn't eating right, getting enough sleep and my emotions were running crazy.
We were caring for my step father who was battling his second round of prostrate cancer and had just made a choice to stop treatment and admit to hospice care, So after work I would stop by their house to make sure they didn't need anything,go home, make dinner,do homework, household chores then in late evening go back to their house to be close in case he would fall or needed anything in the night and to let my mom get some rest.
In November I ended my long term relationship.
Then in the middle of December our battle was over we lost my step father. He will be forever loved and missed greatly. We tried making it through the holidays on some kind of up beat note.
As the days went by I wasn't feeling well no energy, my vision was off and I could't eat, so I just thought it was from what I had been through in the last few months.On 1/15/08 I was at work and really didn't feel well. I was taken to the ER were they found my sugars to be over 600 I was given IV fluids and insulin and was diagnosed as having Type II diabetes I was sent home that evening on oral agents. The word diabetes scared me to death, so at that point I had made up my mind to loose wt. eat healthier and control my diabetes with diet and exercise.And that is what I did I went to curves 5 times a week walked the local track on the weekends and eat healthier.Rain, snow or shine It was a day to day struggle, but I was determined to loose wt and get fit. As the day, weeks and months went by I was doing what I set out to do I had lost wt. and was feeling better about myself and life.By 1/09 I was now 120lbs size 3 and on top of the world maybe my scare was what i needed it kicked me in the rear and opened my eyes to a lot of things.
Sadly with all efforts and hard work it didn't help my diabetes & I'm now insulin dependent, but thats ok I was disappointed at first like I had failed but actually I'm a winner. I'm happier and healthier than I have ever been and will be around for a long time to see my son graduate high school,get married and give my grandkids.
It has been a struggle to get where I am today. Curves is a wonderful program and if you give it a true and honest chance it will work for you. I have curves & the wonderful ladies to thank for giving me the support to succeed. I wouldn't be where I am today without them and that's why I think I'm an amazing curves member.
Thank you all.
Diane Heidenreich


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