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Jill B.

Oklahoma City, OK

Member Since August 2006

My Story
I love my Curves you could even say that I'm addicted to it! I was so excited to join when it was opened close to my house. When I joined and met with Belinda Stone the owner and her precious mother Nelda, and her awesome sister Mistie, I felt like I had met family.

I have always loved to walk to Curves, when possible. Afterall it is 1/2 mile from my home, and if I walked that would mean not only a great workout but a 1 mile walk too! It ws a beautiful Saturday morning on Sept. 27, 2008. I was halfway to Curves when I was walking across the street and was hit by a car going 40mph. A Curves memeber saw the accident on her way to work out and when she walking into Curves she told what she'd seen. All the ladies began to pray for me, not knowing that I was a Curves "sister". Belinda knew I often walked on Saturday mornings. She headed to the accident. I had been taken by ambulance to OU Medical Center as "Jane Doe", not expected to live. The only ID I had on was my Curves bracelet which had been removed from my broken body. When Belinda arrived the police officer noticed her car, which had the Curves logo on it, and showed her my bracelet and asked if she could identify me from the bracelet. She quickly drove to her location, scaned my bracelet and knew it was me. She took my folder back to the policeman and was able to not only give him my name but also my husbands name and phone number, she had my health records too. After talking with the officer she went to the hospital and was the first person there for me. She was there when my family arrived and continued to stay there for me off and on the entire 4 months I was hospitalized.

All of the Curves sister have been wonderful. Thanks to many prayers my recovery has been amazing. The "sisters" even donated over $450.00. When I went to see one of my doctors after having all my ligaments replaced in my left knee I asked him to please write me a permission slip saying I could return to Curves. He did, requiring that I only workout the upper body. What a happy day it was for me to return to Curves!

I will be having my 10th surgery soon and I find myself
wondering if and when I can go back to Curves? I will have my leg & foot in a cast for 4 to 6 weeks, healing from a tendon transfer.

I will tell any woman who is thinking about joining Curves that it will change their life. Not only is it a great workout but mentaly uplifting. I truly hope that no one ever gets hit by a car walking to Curves. I can say that all the Curves "sisters" are incredible women. I know whatever happens to one of us the other ladies will be there for support, wither it is for encouragement to keep you going, or you just need to "talk" while you exercise. They will be there!


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