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Ruth S.

Pickering, Ontario, Canada

Member Since September 2008

My Story
Like many other Curves members, I've been struggling with controlling my weight for many years and have tried most diets-and excuses-you could think of. I had been driving past the Curves near where I live for so long and never gave it a second glance but realized maybe I should "try a gym" to help get me in shape. I convinced my sister to join with me as I knew I would need her encouragement.

We walked in to Curves in September 2008, just prior to me having knee surgery and daily I am reminded that it was the best move I've ever made! The friendly and welcoming atmosphere, the comfortable casualness and convenience of our location, the expertise and support of our circuit coaches has made, and continues to make, a big difference for me. It isn't that I have dropped 25 pounds, actually have muscles now, am feeling the best I have ever felt in years, have more energy and look and feel better. It is more about a lifestyle change for me. Carrying the extra weight at my age--50++--is dangerous and puts me at risk of recurring health problems for the rest of my life.

I am not on a diet--I am on a plan of staying healthy--of exercising, eating right, making smarter choices: I take the stairs at work and have not used the elevator since last September. I park far from store entrances, I run with my dog, I am lifting weights, I rake the leaves multiple times and take any chance I can get to keep active and I look forward to going to Curves! In all the years I have travelled on business, it never occurred to me to look for the gym in the hotels I've stayed at. Now, I book only hotels that have a gym so I don't miss my workout times. The signifcant drop in my BMI tells me that I am much healthier than before. But here are two interesting observations that tell me other ways Curves is helping me be healthy. Recently, while being prepped for surgery, the surgeon made comments to me when reviewing my tests that my haemoglobin was absolutely amazing and whatever it was I was doing, please keep it up and spread the word. I shouted back from behind the oxygen mask that is is Curves!! And another: I am a specialized blood platelet donor on a two week rotation. Every two weeks I am weighed and charted for my 2 hour donation of platelets and am frequently asked to give large volume donations as my platelet counts are exceptionally good. The Nurses ask me what on earth I am doing, not only in response to the continually dwindlying weight loss every time they weigh me, but also the great platelet counts. I can only believe it is becuse of Curves. I eat smaller portions of the right foods and am working out at Curves at least three times a week. Proof positive for me that Curves is the best choice, the right choice for me and is the only programme that has ever truly worked for this long.

After reading some of the amazing member stories, I know I am not the most amazing member. But I am amazed at what I have been able to do, and stick to, because of Curves. My only regret is I didn't join years ago! Thanks to my Curves, my coaches and my sister for making such a huge and positive influence on my journey of staying healthy and fit. (And PS--I ditched the physiotherapy for my knee after one session realizing I was getting more benefit out of my Curves workout!!)


Norma C. Posted 10:49 07/7/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"way to go Ruth. Good Luck "