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Donna J.


Member Since January 2009

My Story
I was 54 and out of shape. High blood pressure and diabeties type II had taken control of my body. I was on two blood pressure pills, one blood glucose pill and two byetta injections a day. I felt it was more important to take care of my parents and one day I would get around to taking care of me. Well after loosing my mother to congestive heart failure, a brother to a massive heart attack and finally my father to COPD it has come time for me to take care of me. I refuse to die on bags full of medication. I refuse to let myself go another day. After much encouragement and an actual try out at a curves in Florida, I decided on my lunch hour to go and join. After a couple of weeks in the gym and feeling really good about myself, I went to bed one evening and awoke sick as a dog, I went to my doctors and was hospitalized. The treating physician was testing me for heart failure. I prayed and asked God to heal my body and give me a chance to get myself together. God did just that. After numerous test everything came back negative and I was taken off of one of the blood pressure pills and told to discontinue the byetta injections. I know God is good. I have only been going to curves for five months and I can see a great difference. I walked in weighing 226 and I now weigh 210. I am most encouraged and inspired through my daughter who has been a curves member for more than 1.5 years. Curves is an excellent way to encourage women to have ME TIME. Thank you for allowing me this opportunity to share in the greatness of Curves. Good Luck my sisters.


Kasha H. Posted 05:31 06/24/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"YOU ARE AMAZING! i am so proud of you. You are finally taking time out for yourself to take care of yourself and having fun at the same time. I know that there is nothing that you cannot achieve, so keep going. Love you."