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Lynn A.


Member Since August 2003

My Story

In March 2002 I weighed 238 lbs my top weight and my height was 5'3" tall. I fit into a size 26-28 dress. I hated myself everyday I looked into the mirror. I was always battling a weight problem most of my life. At l4, I was 144 pounds and never saw that again til I was in my late 30's. I cried a lot and was depressed too. I tried lots of diet programs. I tried Overeaters Anonymous, Jenny Craig, and Weight Watchers, in the very early days with a very strict diet program. I had lost 54 lbs several times and gained it all back and then some. It became progressively worse. Each time I went on a diet and tried to exercise, I would lose weight and then gain it back over time and add on more pounds as well. This cycle left me drained, having little self-esteem and feeling totally defeated.

In August of 2002, having investigated gastric bypass thoroughly for 9 months prior, I underwent the surgery. I had a laparoscopic procedure done with 6 tiny little cuts. I started walking immediately and after 1 year of just walking 3-4 miles per day, I joined Curves. I had lost 67 lbs by that time and I was still losing. I hated exercise most of my life, but when I got into the rhythm of Curves, I really enjoyed it. When I joined I was 171 lbs and continued to lose 39 more pounds. I really enjoyed the workouts and tried to beat my previous workout by pushing my performance most days.

In July 2005 I rode 161 miles down the Oregon Coast on Highway 101 in 4 days! My husband, Al who had 2 stints put in his heart and my girlfriend, who suffers from Rheumatoid Arthritis since she was l7, joined me on the ride. We all were truly medical miracles! I couldn't believe that I trained for 3 months in the hot Arizona heat for this feat. I would never have accomplished that without my workouts at Curves!

In 2006 and 2007 I became a Curve Circuit Coach working for 2 Curves Clubs. This kept my performance and form enhanced since I was challenged daily to help others on the circuit.

In March 2006 I attended a Black Tie Fund Raiser for the Tucson Museum of Art and wore a Strapless, size 6 Ballgown! I was down l06 lbs and still going strong.
Today I am still maintaining that weight loss. In 2003, over 200,000 people had gastric bypass surgery. Many people after the 3 year mark, who underwent gastric bypass have since gained it all back. I wasn't going to be one of those statistics! I have gained a few pounds, just lost 6 and am working at keeping the weight down to my goal of l32 pounds. I work out at Curves 5 days per week, have way over 1000 workouts and I truly love the new Smart machines.

My Photos


Tashia B. Posted 06:24 07/6/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"Hi Lynn, I just wanted to tell you that I'm so proud of your accomplishment. keep up the great work!"