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Vera W.


Member Since March 2009

My Story
Three years ago it was necessary to move to another town to take care of my aged blind mother. I had to give up my home, friends and gym that I belonged to for 20yr. I loved the dance aerobic classes I was taking, that I attended five days a week. After settling in I decided it was time to shop around for a new gym. I visited all the gym's in my area including Curves. One day I walked into Curves and immediately said "I'm not going to like this." Without giving the lady at the desk time to explain the program to me, I walked out. I wanted to do dance aerobics still. In the meantime I joined a gym and with the busy schedule of taking care of my mother and adjusting to my new life I stopped going and as a result gained 20lbs. Six months ago my sister-in-law, Alice from West Virgina joined Curves and in talking to her she raved about Curves. She said that it was helping her depression and helping her lose inches. She loved the workout and the friendly staff and members. She encourged me to try it but in the back of my mind, I kept thinking I'm not going to like this, just like I told the lady sitting at the desk at Curves three years ago. After several more conversations with Alice, she was so impressed with Curves and the results she was seeing, I decided to give it a try. So one day in March I walked into Curves and asked if I can try the gym. I tried it for a week and liked working on the weight machines. As for dance aerobics, I still miss it, but I am getting a far better workout now. I joined Curves in March of this year and I attend 3 days a week. I look forward to going and wouldn't miss a day unless I am really ill. It puts me in a better frame of mind. I look at the health benefits of working out and as far as my weight, I don't make it a focus anymore. The weight will come off in time. It's very difficult to lose weight when you have thyroid issues. I was diagnosed with thyroid cancer seven years ago and fatigue easily. My goal is to say as healthy as I can. Working out helps in so many ways and Curves is so good for your heart, soul and mind and it helps in giving me more energy. The staff is extremely friendly and helpful. The best part is it only takes 30 minutes as I am always pressed for time. I look forward to many years of working out at Curves and making new friends. I have to thank my sister-in-law for encourging me to go. We tease each other with a saying "what Alice has Vera has to have" or vice versa. We both are CurvesSmart members now and are very happy with it. It gives us something to talk about.


Vera W. Posted 07:42 06/2/2009 - flag as inappropriate
Marilyn S. Posted 05:05 07/8/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"Vera, I think you are like a lot of women. Once they try curves, they find it is great! Keep up the great work! Good luck!"