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Beverly S.


Member Since October 2006

My Story
As a member of Curves for 2 years, I still remember joining. I was pleased to become a member but wondered how well it would suit me. All my concerns turned out to be unfounded.

I loved the idea of working out at my convenience, but wondered whether I would miss exercise classes. I also wondered whether I would get as much strength and overall workout and whether I would continue to workout often. After over 400 workouts, it looks like those are not concerns. Here I am though, weighing in about 20 pounds less than I did in October 2006. Plus Im strong without the aches from those classes. I have only Curves and friends at Curves to credit.

It is so easy to pop in and do my workout, whether in summer at my leisure or after school. At the end of a school day, the circuit is just what I need to relax and be ready for evening. Faces looked familiar early on, but now I look forward to conversations with all the ladies I have met by chance during workouts.

Then because of the staff quietly suggesting health tips, I began to realize that there really are times that I can walk past food or eat a smaller portion. Whether I am dedicating time to following the Curves menus or just remembering some good tips about snacks, good carbs, and proteins, my eating habits have improved -- making the difference.

I really appreciate our owner and the job she does for all of us with promotions and challenges at our Curves. Her gentle and dedicated leadership is our gain (or loss if we are talking about weight)! Either way, I am ahead and the credit goes to Curves.

My Photos


Judy R. Posted 04:51 07/23/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"We are so proud of your success and you are always such an encouragement to me. Thanks!"