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Jackie E.


Member Since December 2003

My Story
I joined Curves because I wanted to get in shape. I was waking up in the morning and having a hard time getting going. After joining I loved the almost instant gratification of losing some weight and the feeling of getting in better shape. Even with Curves there were some days I still had a hard time getting my body to do what I wanted it to do. In August 2004 I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. This diagnosis came as a complete shock to me and my family but I could see that my difficulty moving and fatigue each morning had a cause. Curves has been a life saver. After about two years I even rearranged my work schedule so I could go to Curves in the morning before work because it helps immensely with my energy and mobility. I try to get to Curves at least 4 times a week. I am approaching 950 workouts and know that having the continual support of the staff and the motivation of knowing I am helping myself stay strong and healthy keeps me going. Some days after the workout I feel like I am walking worse than when I walked in but within about 1/2 hour I am back on track and so happy that I kept the promise to myself to do everything I can possibily do in order to stay mobile and strong. Exercise is highly encouraged for people with multiple sclerosis and I believe that fun helps people stay healthy. The Curves workout along the amazing people who work and work out keeps me moving and helps me start each day with a smile on my face. Thank you Curves! I know I would not be where I am today without all the assistance and encouragement I have received!


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