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Jody G.

Ann Arbor

Member Since August 2004

My Story
I have a journey to share and not to win a contest, appear in a magazine or website, or to receive special recognition. Motivation to share my journey comes from a huge hope to reach out to other women who have the struggles in life to achieve a healthy weight, body, and peace of mind.

My struggle began in high school with my very first diet. I recall its name as the "egg diet." The plan called for a two-week period to consume two dozen eggs a week along with other unappealing edibles. Well... I was quite successful I must say and I kept up that ritual losing 20 pounds in just four weeks! I was so elated and thought my troubles were over. But, you can tell what is coming next.. just a few months later, those pounds came back plus more. Over the next 30 years I shifted from one fad diet to another, going up, going down, to total hundreds of pounds. After my second pregnancy I gave up on weight loss. I figured I was healthier to just be heavy as opposed to doing the horrible yo-yo treachery.

Until... One day I woke up with a terrible pain in my groin and could barely walk. I went to the doctor to learn there was no apparent reason for this pain other than the obvious: the 303 pounds I was hauling around. The thoughts going through my mind were terrifying actually, but to put these thoughts into just one sentence: I was afraid for my life.

I contemplated this journey very carefully beginning with the thought that I was not going to diet anymore. I am all too familiar with the negative impact that word had on me and figured that the best thing is to avoid any thought process that conjured any negative feelings. I did take out as much sugar and fat as I could but kept the idea in mind that I would not take away my favorites, but just eat them better prepared with much less consumption. I kept telling myself "Jody, you are not going to rush this just take it slow." WOW! what a difference this made for me. As a result, I didn't deal with feeling I was in diet jail or deal with thoughts such as I cant have this and I cant have that. There were no negative feelings, and not being in a hurry kept away the disappointment of not losing fast enough.

In combination with updating my eating style and habits, I began walking every day. I started with just a quarter-mile a day - that was pretty much all I could accomplish to start with. In about four months time, I had lost over 30 pounds. It was at this juncture of really starting to feel so much better that I decided to step up my physical activities.

I have a good friend who has been a Curves member for quite some time and encouraged me to try Curves. Walking into Curves was the best and final piece to obtaining and completing my ultimate goal. For me, Curves was a place to go and be completely uninhibited about my weight and physical condition. I received endless support, friendship and such a sense of well-being. During my first membership year I shed about 60 pounds bringing me close to that 100 mark. At this point I began to realize the emotional state I had been in all these years. It became very clear to me how I had lost confidence in my entire being. I was always so worried about how everyone was looking at me and trying to read their minds of what they must be thinking. I had isolated myself as much as possible. As the pounds came off, all the emotional turmoil began to shed as well. I now love being out and living life without the constant worry of being overweight. I am healthy and love to be out of breath now because it comes with exercise and not poor health. I often speak about my three "p's" which are: be positive, have patience, and persevere.

I recently saw an internet survey done by some journalist rating various exercise programs for women. One particular journalist commented that Curves appeared to be a place for middle-aged women to go and chat while using little effort during a workout. I have to say I am still fuming over this. What I know and see is an ideal opportunity for any age woman to come into a non-judgmental place and be among others who are making a difference in their well-being. There is such a positive energy amongst these women. Young or old, the workout can be exactly what you need it to be. Now as an employee at Curves in Ann Arbor, Michigan, I watch women walk by our window peeking in. I just want to jump out and say "Come in! You will be amazed in here! Here you will find encouragement, companionship, new friends, support and a wonderful chance to renew your strength both physically and mentally. Curves changed my life!"

Now, after losing 165 pounds, I continue to thrive on this great relationship I have with and within Curves. I embrace any opportunity to share my journey with our members in hopes that just one, tiny little experience that helped me, will help one wonderful, amazing woman.

Thank God for Curves!
Jody Gray
Curves Westgate
Ann Arbor, Michigan

My Photos


Beverly Z. Posted 08:42 06/30/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"Jody, you are an inspiration! Thank you for your story, it reinforces what I believe to be true... we all have it within ourselves to succeed in whatever we set our minds to. Congratulations on your success and thank you for your story."
Kathy H. Posted 03:28 07/3/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"I'm voting for you!!! You are my inspiration always!!! I love you "
Kim S. Posted 07:01 07/9/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"Loved the story, & curves is a wonderful place to achieve your goals, thank you for all the support you've given me to, you are definitely my inspiration!!! Kim, :-)"
Nancy M. Posted 07:39 07/10/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"Way to go, Jody!! You are always a joy!!"
Patty T. Posted 07:18 07/14/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"You are so cool! "Inspiring" sounds corny, but its true. Good going. "
Wendy A. Posted 05:07 07/22/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"Your story is wonderful. I think your patience and perserverance are key ingredients that we lose in this day and age. Congratulations on your life change "
Carol W. Posted 09:10 07/30/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"You are definitely an inspiration. Yours is a battle that everyone fights and you're definitely a winner. We're all proud of you."
. Posted 05:14 08/4/2009 - flag as inappropriate