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Dusty D.

San Ramon, CA

Member Since February 1992

My Story
I didn't join Curves to lose a lot of weight. The real reason I joined in 2002 was to keep my body limber and to stay in shape. I had watched my Dad age with problems in mobility and hoped Curves would help me prevent that. I wanted to stay in shape for another reason too...

My husband Mike and I married in 1988. He planned our honeymoon in Ashland, Oregon, and it was a complete surprise to me. He made all the arrngements and reservations and I didn't even know where I was going! When we arrived in Ashland, we had dinner at a wonderful French Restaurant and sat at a beautiful table by the window overlooking the town and theatre district. Mike explained that the reason we were there was not so much to see Shakesphere, but because he wanted to go someplace that was far enough away from San Francisco that we wouldn'v visit often, but close enough that we could return each year and celebrate our marriage and our anniversary.

We have done just that. We not only go to the same restaurant and sit at the same table - I wear my wedding dress. This past March we celebrated 21 wonderful years and I, once again, wore "the dress". Thanks to three times a week visits to Curves, the dress still fits as I dine at that special table by the window. I have attached a picture of me visiting the Ashland Curves before we went to the restaurant last year.

Thanks Curves for all the wonderful friends I have made, for the help in maintaining a healthy body and lifestyle, and, most of all, for helping me get that zipper up every year for 21 years.

Mike always says when he hears me yell from the bathroom "the zipper is up", he knows it's going to be a good anniversary.

Thank you Curves.

Dusty Dennis
San Ramon, CA

My Photos


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