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Dorothy M.

Post Falls

Member Since February 2009

My Story
This is a hard letter to write, but the ladies at Curves have once again given me the needed encouragement as they have done for me in the four months to keep on keeping on.

So much has happened since I started at Curves at the very end of February Ill have to start at the beginning just to keep myself straight.

November of 2008 my husband of 26 years was diagnosed with terminal lung cancer that had already metastasized to the brain and lymph nodes. Not only was I facing losing my husband, but living on my own. Weighing in at 360 plus there were many things I could not do for myself.

I had started an Internet business that was slow getting off the ground. With my husband no longer able to work I knew I had to go back into the work place. Due to my weight and sedentary lifestyle I was tired most of the time so jumping back into the rat race was something I was not looking forward to.

My husband Al and I had many talks and one of his concerns was my inability to do the things around the house he had taken care of. Again my weight contributed to this or lack of. He told me againthis had always been a sore subject, that I really needed to lose weight.

I knew this was true, but didnt have the energy to start walking and I knew any program I came up with would be very short lived.

In February I received a phone call from Carol at the Curves in Post Falls, Idaho saying a friend of mine put my name down and I could come in for a free evaluation.

I knew that call was the answer to the question Id been asking myself. How am I going to loose all this weight? How am I going to make this happen? So I said yes and set up my appointment with Carol.

The day of the appointment I was looking forward to going. During the weighing and measuring Carol asked me why I wanted to lose weight. I started crying and told her I had two reasons; an old wish and hope and a new reason. I told her about my husband dieing and facing being alone with my fat body. How was I going to take care of myself? And my original reason; I so want to be able to skip, run and jump again. I miss it.

I asked if I could start that day. (I know me. If I had waited for another day, I would never have gone through with it.) Carol said yes and I started working the circuit.

To make this LONG story short. After a few weeks I was starting to really see a change in myself. I was getting in and out of the equipment at Curves easier. I was able to turn around in my seat while driving to change lanes. I couldnt do this before. I would double check my side mirrors, say a prayer and change lanes hoping no one was in my blind spot!

One night when I was done taking my bath I thought to try to just reach over and unplug the drain. I DID IT! I couldnt believe it. This was the first time in years I didnt have to turn over in the tub and get up on my knees to reach around my tummy!

I was starting to notice a lightness in my step and in my heart. Even through nothing had changed in my world, the way I faced it was.

My blood pressure went down over 40 points! I now have full range of motion in both of my shoulders. I went to visit my daughter and was able to LEAP onto her porch without even thinking about it and I can have my steering wheel at comfortable slant instead of all the way up.

I started following the Curves Weight Management and it has really helped me focus on a whole new life style. I have to say; it is not as hard as I thought it would be.

As I was building up my body and my sense of well being, my husband was declining. Curves helped me during this time. Not only with my body, but with a sense of purpose and drive. I was able to focus on something positive in my life.

The day my husband died was a day I would normally go to Curves. My daughter and my friend were at the house, they also are members of Curves. We got to talking and I felt like I really needed to go to Curves, just to hold on to something normal and to work my body for my own well being. Also my husband would never want me to use him as an excuse not to go. So we went and it did help. I also thought: If I can go to Curves today, nothing should stop me from going in the future!

The ladies at Curves are wonderful and they tell me they are proud of me. It feels so good to walk through the doors and have them great me and cheer on my success.

So four months later I find myself in the 2-foot club;o). I have lost 25.5 inches and about the same amount of weight. But what I have gained is immeasurable!

I feel pretty and I am making it on my own. If I drop a piece of paper on the floor, I can bend over and pick it up. That is good.

My Photos


Jamie E. Posted 07:24 07/1/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"You go girl! You are a big inspiration to me. Love your Curves staff."
Dorothy P. Posted 11:02 07/2/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"My good friend- YOU can do ANYTHING you set your mind on! You have always been and will always be, one of my heros! "
Sandra . Posted 12:01 07/2/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"I think of you often and I am so proud of you! Keep on Dorothy!"
Denise A. Posted 12:45 07/2/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"Wow, That's AWESOME Dorothy. Keep it up!!!!"
B.B. . Posted 02:11 07/2/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"Dorothy...I'm so glad for you...Love, B.B."
Jean P. Posted 02:55 07/2/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"As I wipe a tear from my eye I am reflecting on what a moving spirit Dorothy is, I am so proud to have her as a friend and role model...I vote for her!"
Pamela B. Posted 04:16 07/2/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"WAY TO GO I am soOOOOOOO PRoud of you..... HUGs and KIsses and Lots of Love. Pam "
Laura P. Posted 04:20 07/2/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"Nothing is impossible with G-d and you are proving this to be soooo true! Because of Him you live and move and have your being!!"
Leah F. Posted 05:44 07/2/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"Dorothy, I am so proud of you, I am sitting here crying, you are such an inspriration to me. I am really proud of you, It is sometimes easy to care for someone else but very hard to care for ourselves. Good Job. I will call you soon. Love ya Leah"
Marlene S. Posted 09:30 07/2/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"Hi Dorothy....Congratulations on the progress, this is wonderful...I'm happy for you. Marlene"
Dawn C. Posted 05:04 07/3/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"You are beautiful inside and out! Thanks for sharing your story. My vote is with you. You are precious.I believe G-d must be smiling at you!"
. Posted 08:19 07/3/2009 - flag as inappropriate
Bruce B. Posted 08:30 07/3/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"I am proud of you Dorothy! God bless, comfort and strengthen you!"
Jay N. Posted 05:08 07/4/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"That is awsome Dorothy. It inspires me. You are a good Sister in Yeshua Ha Mochaich. You are truely a Jewess,in that you live your faith instead of just talking it. I wish you all the best. YOU GO GIRL."
Jane M. Posted 11:05 07/5/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"Very inspirational....keep up the great work!"
Valerie E. Posted 09:05 07/6/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"Mom, I'm very pleased with you and your progress. You make me smile!!!! Great job and keep it up!"
Sandra M. Posted 09:57 07/9/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"Keep up the work Dorothy! Sounds like you are making great progress - focus on the end results!!!!"
Kim L. Posted 07:23 07/16/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"Wow!!! You have a strong spirit and you inspire me. I wish you much success and happiness:) - Kim, CDA Curves Member"
Carol . Posted 01:00 07/20/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"Dorothy, I am so proud of You!! You are amazing!! You deserve to feel proud of yourself, You are doing all the work!! CM"
Susie M. Posted 02:14 07/20/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"You are awesome!!!"
Dorothy P. Posted 07:09 08/1/2009 - flag as inappropriate