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Janet M.

Bowling Green

Member Since May 2005

My Story
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Philippians 4:13 (NKJV)
For Christmas, 2004, I got Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA), and I didn't even ask for it. RA attacked every joint, hard, fast, symmetrically, and rendered me totally helpless. Looking back,that was the beginning of an awesome journey. I knew the first time I entered Curves, there was no turning back. My Curves' trainer never gave up on me; she was a constant source of encouragement; and she never got tired of hearing me say, "I know no pain, no gain. But I start out in pain, I should get a double blessing for this!" (Believe me, 3 times a week was torture.) I don't know when I stopped saying that, but when I met a Curves member with almost two years head start on me, she impressed me with her smile and it was obvious some of the machines were not conducive to advanced joints. She immediately became my inspiration.
When I added one more day to my Curves routine, my strength, coordination, and balance began improving; and my confidence was increasing. I was into my second year, when I attained a 6-day Curves regime, and now faithfully maintain.
When my confidence started blossoming, dreams began making trails across my mind, and I was reminded of what my rheumatologist at the VAMC had first remarked concerning the state of my RA. "It was galloping; out of control." I vividly recall my reaction to that comment: I wanted something under me galloping that wasn't Rheumatoid Arthritis. Two full years of working out at Curves from my initial diagnosis of RA, is when I learned about a local therapeutic riding academy via the Community Greeting Service. As a Disabled Veteran with RA, I qualified as a student rider. I determined since I was only 60% disabled by this time, I could use the other 40% to volunteer with. Works out great---I love it! Six days at Curves gives me the strength, stamina and enhanced endurance to not only have more fun than an old lady deserves,(I can now groom, saddle and ride without assistance my assigned horse, or be a sidewalker, or even lead any of the horses for a handicapped child.) GOD is so good.
Recently, after four years at Curves and 1100 workouts later, the local Ranch Horse Association was sponsoring a horse show to benefit the riding stable I am involved in. My riding instructor chose 10 students (me included) to do a demonstration at the show. All of the demos were involved in the wacky trail class as a "kick-off" to the event. Also, my instructor told me I should enter that class just for the fun of it. I had serious reservations about participating, since most of my lessons for the '09 season had been canceled due to rain, but I gingerly handed over my $10.00 entrance fee with a decided---"What the hay?" and lo and behold, against 15 representatives of the Ranch Horse Association, the horse and I solely claimed the first place and only award for the riding stable. Who would have thought a disabled veteran with RA would win against so many skilled riders? After showing the trophy to the horse, I took it to Curves and showed the ladies there. "We all know who my trainer was," pointing to her.

My Photos


Charmaine M. Posted 05:40 07/3/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"Janet is an inspiration to all of us at the Bowling Green Curves. In spite of RA, she can move better than most of us."
Charmaine M. Posted 03:03 07/6/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"Janet is an amazing leader; last summer she was captain of our Camp Curves group, & this spring she led the Morning Divas as we collected more food during the food drive."
Jeane L. Posted 11:07 07/21/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"hey we are voting everyday. they will only let us vote once, call and let me know how aunt ruthie is doing, we are all fine, carla and stu are in Alaska, and Grandma is babysitting. remember us in your prayers .love you, auntie jeane"
Becca . Posted 06:52 07/22/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"Thatz my adopted ma...gonna take thz contest 2 tha bank!! WOOOHOOO"
Brenda D. Posted 07:00 07/22/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"Way to go, Janet!"
Laurie B. Posted 02:59 07/23/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"What a lady and an inspiration at Curves!! She always has energy and a smile to share to everyone in the circle. Good luck in the competition! "
Auntie J. Posted 02:27 07/24/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"michigan is proud of you, you have come a long way since we visited. so happy the pain is going away. praise God. love Auntie Jeane"
Becca . Posted 07:44 07/28/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"# 3....LOVE U MA!!!"