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Laurie F.

Dassel, MN

Member Since June 2007

My Story
It took the impending birth of my first grandchild to get me moving...literally. I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis(MS) in 1992 at the age of 35. I went from being an active, physically fit young mother to an inactive, muscularly weakened 50 year old woman, worried that I would never be able to safely hold and play with my grandchildren. Then, my good friend Deb suggested Curves. I was skeptical that I could physically benefit, or even tolerate, any formal exercise program, especially one that involved weight training. But with the OK of both my physican and physical therapist, I took the first step.
I walked into Curves in June 2007, full of doubt and completely dependent on my cane for balance and mobility. Linda, my Curves Trainer, sat down with me and after getting to know my needs and limitations, assured me I was in the right place. We worked though each station of the circuit, modifying some and working at my pace through the others. I couldn't even step under the squat, instead managing only a few squats standing behind the machine and holding on. No way was I able to jog on the rescue stations, so I just stood swaying and moving my arms to the music. I would have to rest a day or 2 between workouts, but Linda and Deb were my cheerleaders, encouraging me to keep coming back as often as I could and doing what I could.
Slowly over the months I could feel a change. Fatigue secondary the MS used to cause me to sleep 12 hours a day and now I would feel rested after 10. I could now see defined muscles in my arms and legs. Best of all, when my granddaugher Ella was born 6 months later, I was able to hold her. No such a big accomplishment for most grandmas, but a tremendously BIG DEAL to me.
I have remained faithful to my training plan at Curves and now am able to work out at least 3 times most weeks and can even do 10 squats UNDER the pads and "Go for the Green" on all the machines. The Curves program has been so successful for me because a set of muscles is used for 30 seconds and then rested at least a minute or two before being called into action action again. MS causes muscles to tire easily and these short combinations of exercise and rest allow me to keep moving. I will always have MS and still use a cane much of the time, but my fatigue, balance and mobility have improved dramatically.
But most importantly, I can lift and carry Ella, who now weighs 22 pounds and get up and down from the floor and play like real grandmas do!


Cara O. Posted 11:57 06/12/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"I am so glad you made it to Curves in time to be strong enough to hold that Grandbaby!"
Linda W. Posted 12:29 07/4/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"As your Curves manager & circuit coach, I want to commend you for your positive efforts to be healthier & stronger. I am so proud of you! You are a beautiful example to your granddaughter. Yours in health, Linda"
Melanie L. Posted 11:55 07/5/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"Congratulations on your accomplishment and possitive attitude. Keep Curves as a part of your routine and stay strong!"
Karen W. Posted 08:12 07/6/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"It's great see you at Curves! Congratulations and keep up with your Curves routine!"