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Laurel B.


Member Since March 2005

My Story
Ive been a member at Clearbrook Curves since March of 2005, weighing 212 pounds when I joined. I have and still do enjoy it immensely! However, in the past I was not as consistent at attending and working out as I would have liked to.

I was overweight my entire life or at least since I was six years old. I was teased relentlessly during all my school years. I was always the fattest kid in school. I had never seriously tried to lose the extra weight with exercise or proper diet until February of 2007 when I decided I had enough and so committed to really work at it. I weighed 202 pounds. My strategy was do one thing at a time; the first would be to monitor my portions, count calories, and record everything I ate, but never deprive myself. I decided I would not exercise until I felt I was ready to make another change; that was when I went back to Curves on March 27, 2007 weighing 190 pounds. I was still not consistent, but doing something was better than nothing. About a month later I started to realize that exercise was my downfall, so I started going to Curves three times per week. At first this really seemed to be work. By the end of June 2007, I was down to 174 pounds.

Summer was difficult for me as my family and I had many things on the go including a three week vacation. In October 2007 I started going to Curves again. I realized that I definitely felt better when I exercised and the pounds came off faster.

I heard people say that as they lose weight and get more physically fit that Curves just wont be enough so Ive been waiting for that to happen; however, I now realize that just isnt so. I truly believe the Curves workout is designed for women and the fitness machines are designed to target most womens problem areas. Over time I have proven to myself that if I dont go to Curves regularly to work out my weight starts to go up and when I do go regularly my weight starts to go down. Ive worked hard to learn how to use each fitness machine correctly and Im now a firm believer in the Curves program!

As of my last monthly weigh and measure I am happy to report that I now weigh 135 pounds. Ive have lost a total of 73 inches since March 2006 when I weighed in at 220 pounds. I still have 5 to 10 pounds more to lose and I am certain that with Curves I will reach this goal before the end of 2009.

The most amazing for me about my weight loss is that I can now shop in regular size clothing stores. I dropped from a size 20/22 to a size 5/6. Wow! Ive proven to myself, my family and friends that an unhealthy lifestyle of eating the wrong foods and not exercising doesnt have to be a life sentence. The decision to lose weight has to firmly come from within you; it isnt just a physical thing, it is so much more than that. I believe that if a lifetime fat girl can do it, you can too!

See you on the circuit!
Laurel Brown

My Photos


Eileen L. Posted 08:25 07/26/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"You are amazing and now have the body to go with it!! You shall have to change the lable 'lifetime fat girl' though."