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Leila C.

Corbin, KY

Member Since April 2005

My Story
Leila's Story:
My Curves story began in April 2005. I had just finished five months of chemotherapy and knew that I needed to become more active. Also, I was worried that some of the medication I was taking would make me gain weight. A co-worker told me about Curves. I had heard of Curves, but did not know there was one so close to where I worked.
I was very apprehensive that first day. Robin Brandenburg, the owner, assured me that my lack of mobility would not stop me from doing the circuit. Together we worked out a routine that would help me regain my former mobility and flexibility. After a week of working out, I convinced my sister, also a cancer survivor, to give it a try. That is how "my Curves story" became "our Curves story".
Sheila's Story:
I had long known that I needed to become more active for both my physical and emotional health. Nothing seemed to be the right fit for me...local fitness centers seemed to be for people interested in strength and building muscles...and were intimidating with all the equipment. Mostly, though, I just didn't have the right incentive.
That all changed when I was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2003. I knew I had to do something to prevent bone loss and make myself as healthy as possible. But it wasn't until my sister was also diagnosed with breast cancer in 2004 that I found Curves.
Our Story:
My sister and I are twins, diagnosed with cancer just ten months apart. Since joining Curves we have been able to regain the mobility and flexibility lost after we had surgery. But Curves has been so much more to us. We have become part of a family of women who help each other...giving encouragement, support, advice, or just listening when all you need is to let off steam or share worries with someone who cares.
Our Curves club has been very active in many community causes. We raise money for and participate in the Relay for Life yearly. Club members donate items to the local food pantry. We decorate our Christmas tree each year with mittens which are given to local pre-school children. We compete in a "Curves Derby" each spring to boost members to put in that little extra effort to keep on track with their goals. All these things have made us more aware of each person's role in making our community a better place and have bonded friendship's we would never have formed otherwise.
We are now five and six years out from diagnosis. Life is looking better each day. Without the Curves experience, we don't know that we would be who we are today. Thank you Robin and Curves for being there when we needed a place to go to find ourselves again.
We don't know if any of this qualifies us as "Amazing Curves Members", but we know for sure that we are "Members of an Amazing Curves club".

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