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Bernice R.


Member Since July 2004

My Story
I joined Curves in July 2004. At the beginning I worked very hard trying to master all the machines correctly. Little did I know how beneficial that would be to me. In November, I found out I needed a full hip replacement and had the operation - My recovery was amazing - and I attribute it to the fact that my arms could support the walker and my muscles were all toned because of those 4 previous months doing Curves. I was able to go back to my normal activities within a month and resumed my Curve workouts.

My second story happened about 3 years ago. I fell and dislocated my shoulder resulting in a torn rotary cuff. I had to go to physical therapy for awhile, but still could not raise my right hand very high. When I resumed my Curves workouts, I spent extra time on the "Shoulder Press / Lateral Pull" machine. It was very painful and I could not raise my arm very high, but every day I used my left hand to make the infured right arm go a little higher and slowly but surely I was able to raise it to match the other arm. Again, I was grateful for the time I spent at Curves.

This year, I celebrated my 83rd birthday. On the day of my birthday, I went to Curves and reached my 800th attendance day - I was not going to buy the T-shirt because I have so many, but the staff at Curves thought I should have one and all chipped in to order it for me -what a special thing for them to do. I try to go at least 3 or 4 times per week - sometimes I make it every day - and find that I am in better shape than most women in their 60's and 70's. It only takes an hour or so out of my day, but just think - I can get the exercise I need, the sociability that is so necessary for seniors and I even have the mental workout on the Trivia games. It's a win - win situation...time well spent and very much enjoyed.


Kellie K. Posted 02:42 07/9/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"You are an inspiration to all of us, Bernice! Love ya!"
Karla J. Posted 07:26 07/9/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"Go Bernice!!! I'm so glad you've shared your story, what an inspiration! "