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Kathy C.


Member Since January 2004

My Story
I joined Curves at a low point in my life. I had gone through nuclear medicine to have my overactive thyroid gland destroyed. As a result I gained a lot of weight. I had never had weight problems before and I now found myself 150# overweight. I attended faithfully for 5 months. I lost several inches and 9#.

In June of 2004 I was unable to attend and as a result I got out of the habit. I never let my Curves membership expire because I knew that eventually I would get back to exercising. I regained the pounds and inches I had lost plus a few more.

It was getting to the place where I could hardly get around anymore. I was so stiff and sore that walking and standing were almost impossible. I was keeping my 2 grandchildren while their parents worked and it was an effort to keep up with them.

I thought my joint and muscle pain was the result of no thyroid and arthritis. From all the articles I read I realized that I had to keep moving if I wanted to continue leading a normal life.

In January 2009 I returned to Curves in hopes it would help my situation. My 2 daughters returned as well. In April 2009 my older daughter and I were diagnosed with fibromyalgia. Weight loss and exercise play a major part in managing this disease. My daughter is trying different medications along with her weight loss and exercise program. I have chosen not to try medication.

I can truthfully say working out at Curves has been a godsend for me. I have lost weight (58 1/2#)as well as 53.75". My body fat % has dropped 3.70%. I have a ways to go yet but I am determined and I know with Curves I will be successful at reaching my goals. I highly recommend Curves to anyone who asks. I am a walking testimony of what it can do in your life.


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