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Pamela C.

Bonita Springs

Member Since January 2008

My Story
Curves is something more then just an exercise location. Curves is a community. When you walk through the door you belong. I learned this not only with myself, but also my daughter. There is a Mother and daughter membership and we both signed up. My daughter was 15 years old at the time. At first she was hesitant, but the compromise was that she would try it for a week. She loved it! The women were so nice and welcoming. They encouraged her, and when she had started to loose weight the women commented on how good she looked. This really boosted her self esteem. She then lost more weight. She eventually joined the tennis team which she loved. Because of the wonderful change in my daughter, a new vision for curves is a hopeful future for all young girls. Why not invite and pay for your neighbor's daugter that lives on your street! Curves could be a mentoring environment. All that wonderful wisdom those ladies have. You could change a young girl's life, future, and destiny.


Vickie C. Posted 06:51 07/9/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"What a great testimonial!! Thanks, Pam for taking the time to write this. :o) "