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Kathy G.

Coopersville, MI

Member Since January 2009

My Story
Hi, my name is Kathy and I have always been a little overweight, sometimes more than a little. The only time in my life I can remember being somewhat happy with how I looked was when I was engaged and first married some twenty-four years ago. I have always been healthy and I really thought that was enough.

Then, I turned fifty. I had never had a cholesterol problem, but now I did. I never had to have a mammogram recheck, but now I did. I was told by my doctor to exercise, at least two to three times a week. I had a reality check. I told myself I needed to do something and fast. I have three daughters and the youngest is only nine years old. I want to stay healthy for her; I did not want her to be ashamed about her fat mom.

This is when I decided to join Curves not to lose weight, but to get in shape. I thought that at least while I was at working out at Curves I would not be at home eating potato chips. I started at Curves in January 2009 and weighted 234 pounds. I had already lost some weight because my doctor suggested I stopped drinking pop. I really liked Curves, the gals were great, supportive, and I really felt I could do this for me and me alone.

The first Saturday in February I went to a weight management class at Curves. They assured me I could go, listen, and would not be forced into dieting. The class was very upbeat and helpful. I was given good suggestions without a lot of pressure. I talked it over with my husband who was also supportive. I was really thinking I would fix one meal for my family and a different meal for myself. My husband, John said he would eat the same food as I did and I should give it a try. So I weighed in the next Monday and was told I had already lost some weight since the first day I started a Curves. This was encouraging and gave me a boost to start the weight plan. With the high protein diet, workout at Curves, and a thirty minute walk a few days a week, I was able to keep losing the weight.

Any other time I had tired to lose weight I kept it to myself because I did not want my family and friends to know and start pressuring me. With the Curves weight loss plan, everyone knew how I felt and we were all in it together. So when the weight came off the gals at Curves were happy for me and supportive to keep going. My two older daughters, who are in college, started asking about Curves and wondered how they could join. Currently both of my daughters are members at Curves and have lost weight too.

Since January, when I started at Curves, until now, I have lost over 55 pounds. I still have more to lose, but I have the confidence now that I can do it. Thank you Curves!


Melody K. Posted 02:03 07/11/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"you have been an inspiration to me Kathy. Through you I [staff member] have pushed myself to stick with it also. Keep going I know that you can do it. You look great. "
Fimmy H. Posted 10:54 07/14/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"Congratulations Kathy on your weight loss. Your determination and hard work have lead to your success. We will continue to encourage you and celebrate with you as you work towards your goal. From your Curves supporters."
Cathy K. Posted 05:35 07/14/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"Way to go, Cathy! You are an inspiration to me as well. I'll let you know how I'm doing ;-)"
Rosalie . Posted 05:33 07/15/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"Thanks Kathy, You are AWESOME!!!!!"
Katie G. Posted 06:28 07/17/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"Great job Mom! Keep up the great work."
Carla B. Posted 04:16 07/20/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"Way to go Kathy! It feels so good (both mentally and physically) to lose weight. I'm so happy for you! Keep pressing on!!"
. Posted 06:18 08/3/2009 - flag as inappropriate