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Margaret M.

West Barnstable, Cape Cod, MA

Member Since December 2005

My Story
I acquired NEW KNEES in 2000 and suffered a STROKE which paralyzed my Right side in 2007, but along with many other people, the staff at CURVES has brought me back to full functioning.
I am now 71 and active and I am SO grateful to my rehabilitation therapists and CURVES program that I'd like to tell you my story, because along with doctors and therapists, CURVES HAS PLAYED A GREAT PART IN SAVING MY LIFE AND BRINGING ME BACK TO FULL FUNCTIONING!

Back in 1969, I was a nursing instructor carrying around an extra 30 lbs when I joined WW and lost the excess before I got married! But after having 2 children in the early '70s I had gradually gained the 30 back PLUS another 20! Back to Weight Watchers and I lost the excess, became a WW lecturer and was happy for 3 years, but got very tired of the food prep routine and fell off the wagon! My exercise was negligible. For almost 30 yrs of going on and off all the popular diets and losing and regaining some weight, I found myself yet another 50 lbs heavier. By 1995, I tipped the scales at 250 lbs...CRIED ...and I resolved it would gradually come off. I had gym memberships most of my adult life but really didn't like the routine of changing weights and move seat settings, so I wasn't a good gym rat! By the time I joined Curves I had made it from 250 down to 225 but it was TOUGH!!

THEN ALLELUIA...I joined CURVES at 225 with two new knees, which I had for 5 years. JOINING CURVES was the BEST THING I have done for my body! Though the new knees never gave me any real problem, I knew the surrounding muscles still had a long way to go! Within weeks on the CURVES program 3 to 5 days a week, I developed biceps and triceps I didn't know I had and the quadriceps and other muscles surrounding the knees began to show a remarkable strengthening. Those CURVES machines that work on the QUADS REALLY helped strengthen them!I love the SQUAT machine because it has really helped get my leg strength back! Within the first year of using the CURVES WORKOUT and PLAN, I LOST THOSE NEXT 25 LBS by working out 3-5 times a wk !I planned to stabilize at that weight for a yr. Over my first two yrs of Curves membership, I was fortunate enough to travel and used my travel pass at about 45 DIFFERENT CURVES LOCATIONS! I AM NOW UP TO 65 LOCATIONS in 400 visits!
About the time I was ready to work at the next 25 lb loss, I SUFFERED A STROKE at age 69, which paralyzed my Right arm and leg and I was then on medical leave.I VOWED I would get back to CURVES within the year. I believe that it was because my muscles were in an improved tone from CURVES, that my long recovery from the stroke was easier than it might have been!
I had three weeks of inpatient therapy before I was discharged in Sept 07 and given a schedule for outpatient therapy. As I nurse, I had learned about CONSTRAINT INDUCED THERAPY( CIT) and I resolved at the time of the stroke that I would not "become a Leftie", but spend my "leisure time" outside of formal therapy teaching my R arm and leg how to RELEARN how to work.
In practising CIT, the functioning arm is restrained and all thoughts, efforts and exercises are directed to the affected arm...or leg! Normally, this would involve 6 hours a day of one-on-one therapy...no insurance company would cover that ! SO I decided I had to practise CIT on myself. SITTING ON MY L HAND, I would sit for hours sending messages to my R hand and fingers to move! I would lift and move the R arm with my left just to "remind" the brain what it used to tell the arm to do!I would put a fork or spoon, a hairbrush or toothbrush, in my R hand and with my Left hand curled around the R h to hold them in place, I would put the hand and arm through the motions of feeding or brushing my hair or teeth, until eventually, the hand and arm responded by MOVING!It took months of daily work! My therapists were encouraging and delighted that I was working at my rehab on my own and not just waiting for the next appointment with them.
Nine months after the stroke, I was back at CURVES, walking with a CANE from station to station and slowly doing the circuit, moving carefully at the "CHANGE STATIONS NOW" command. My R arm had also suffered a torn rotator cuff after the stroke, so the CURVES staff showed me how to adapt my movements on the upper body machines.
I stopped using the cane after about four months because the CURVES routine helped me with BALANCE as well!
Although my weight loss had stopped over the almost 2 yrs since the stroke, I have managed to stay around 195(that's still better than 250!) and I am now working on the NEXT 25 to 40lbs. My goal is 145!! It is a slow process but I know CURVES will see me through to that goal. Now, I wonder which CURVES LOCATION will be my 66th visit!!!!!!!

There are many more things I could write...but this gives you an overview. It's almost 3 PM and I am off to CURVES...and I AM DRIVING MYSELF, because Curves helped bring my R leg back to full functioning, too!!!!!!

My Photos


Mary L. Posted 08:34 07/16/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"Wow! Looking great girl; keep it up!"
. Posted 12:14 07/17/2009 - flag as inappropriate
Joanna I. Posted 04:04 07/18/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"Keep it up, your story is GREAT!"
Deb L. Posted 08:41 07/18/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"Wonderful Margaret and full of courageous"
Heather A. Posted 08:02 07/20/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"Takes alot of courage & endurance to do what Marg has done especially under her circumstances!"
Mildred S. Posted 06:50 07/21/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"congratulations keep up the good work. "
Ann K. Posted 09:25 07/21/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"What a wonderful write - up . You are a real inspiration. They should award the prize based on the STORY not the votes!!!! You look decades younger too!"
Robin G. Posted 04:14 07/23/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"What an amazing inspiration you are!"
Marjorie S. Posted 04:21 07/25/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"You look wonderful, 15 years younger, keep it up."
Jess C. Posted 07:28 08/4/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"Congrats Aunt M!"