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Kristi S.

Custer, SD

Member Since October 2004

My Story
Hi, Amazing Curves Women!
I joined our curves in 04 & attend regularly -even though I HATE TO EXERCISE!
I have always been a very active, outgoing, & fun loving person but I have always struggled with my self esteem based on my body image. As a teen I was not overweight but I was built a lot bigger than my friends and thought of myself as fat. I married a wonderful man who is built somewhat small for a guy. He has loved me for over 30 years, but has always ascribed to the philosophy that my weight would be fine if I would JUST EAT LESS & WORK HARDER. I was able to reach my perfect weight several times by eating very little, running on the dreadmill, lifting weights, doing exercise videos etc, and walking for hours a day. This, of course, I could not keep doing all the time and when I would gain back all the weight & THEN SOME, I would feel like even more of a failure.

When this Curves club was for sale, members kept telling me I should buy it and I just laughed because, remember I HATE TO EXERCISE! But after awhile I began to think about it. I saw a pilot for a TV show that pointed out how many women hate their bodies- an astonishing number! And I thought "THAT IS JUST SO WRONG!" I wasted so much of my life feeling not good enough. That's when I made the decision to buy the club & help build strong women. My passion is to help other women first feel good enough about themselves so they can then become the best they can be.

My husband totally supports me and went with me to training in Texas where I was relieved to learn there's more to successful weight loss than eat less work harder. Since buying the club I have lost 35 pounds and kept it off for over a year without any struggle. I feel very strong and healthy. My cell phone screen says Hi, AMAZING WOMAN!

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