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Kathy M.


Member Since November 2003

My Story
Curves came into my life when I filled out a card in a lead bag placed in a Melbourne Beach laundromat in 2003. I had never joined a club or an exercise program before, but I was desparate to not accept my doctor's pronouncement that I might never loose the weight I had gained - at age 65, I topped the scale at 212 pounds; I had high blood pressure, scoliosis, osteoporosis and arthritis. My 5'8" frame had shrunk to 5'5"; I became out of breath climbing 2 flights of stairs and had trouble rising from a chair. I met Edie, a very caring trainer at Curves, who took the time to explain what the program could mean to me.

It was very hard at first - but I was determined. Besides building muscles, Edie also helped me restructure the way I ate. Being single after 31 years of marriage and 3 grown children, I would just grab some fast food on the way home from my job as an RN or have a frozen dinner and collapse in a chair - then often snacked before the TV.

Now my life had purpose and drive again. At first the weight came of slowly, then with a stricter schedule of small meals, 5 times a day and 4 workouts a week, the weight came off more steadily. Now, 5 1/2 years later, I have lost 66 pounds and 44 inches, as well as 9.7% body fat! I love the firmness and flexability, especially since I became a Curves Smart member in 2008. That has definitely encouraged me to keep working harder. I have over 1000 workouts, and am a Curves member for life! I can outwalk my children and grandchildren and receive compliments from all of them.

I am still working full time, which would not have been possible 5 years ago. I'll be 71 in October and my doctor thinks I'd make a great "Poster Child" for the health industry! Not only did I loose the weight, but I also lost my blood pressure medicine!!!

Thank you Curves with all my heart! Kathy :)

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