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Barbara R.

Keizer, OR

Member Since February 2007

My Story
And so glad I found the workout that gave me a pain free life after 18 years of constant pain!!!

I had major stomach surgery in 1988 following the births of our 3 sons. I was forced to complete bed rest for 6 weeks and given my weak back that pain was worse than my surgery pain. By the time I was able to regain my life the damage was done to my back. Given I had no choice but take care of the house, children and husband, I learned to live with the constant pain in my lower back. Over the years as it got worse I started losing movement a little at a time to where I couldn't lift my left leg off the ground by itself and my weight increased. Thinking that movement might relieve some of the pain and help with weight control, we as a family joined another program at an exclusive club. It was great for the boys as they could swim and we enjoyed family time there but as strong as my arms and legs were from walking and chasing 3 lively boys, my back was not and the Trainer assumed it would be. As I watched him load the weights onto the machine I tried to tell him that it would be too much and one squat later I had proved myself right. That led to the Emergency Room a couple of days later as I was not able to move my legs at all. More bed rest in the correct position to relieve the strain on my nerves running through my spine. 2 weeks later I was in more pain than ever but moving once again. The pain got to the point of intolerable considering Im in my 30s and looking forward to a long life ahead of me and I cant do the things I used to. My General Practitioner suggested and ran all kinds of tests from ultrasound, x-rays, bone density, stretching exercises, and I dont remember what all else and of course everything was just perfect. If thats the case WHY am I in this pain? Well, thats easy to fix, try the muscle relaxants and pain pills. I did on occasion but refused to take them on a regular basis. I visited the Chiropractor, too, for 2 days of no pain. And the weight piled on

Fast forward to 2007. I receive a phone call from a very nice lady at Curves asking me to come and try the machines my friend Leda, a member there, thought I might enjoy using. "Machines, yes?" "Well, yes, but its water aerobic without the water." "Machines, yes?" "Yes, but you need to come in and try them. I will walk you through each one and make sure you know how to use it correctly." "Machines, yes?" Well, after the third call and me explaining once again the problem with machines and my not being able to walk for days, sometimes 2 weeks Im not really thrilled to try them. But I do go and take my husband with me as I thought if it makes sense to him it will be right. Moral support comes to mind, too, because I knew he wouldnt let me do something to my back again. We walk in and his first comment is: Its all women!! Well, yes, it said that on the door: Curves for Women. But as Stephanie starts showing us around and then wants to know my medical history, Don leaves and comes to pick me up later. It also helped that half of the ladies working out in there I know from the boys Schools, Baseball, etc. and none of them look like they are in pain or agony. Many are smiling and all are greeting me and Don. After we cover the paperwork Stephanie suggests I try one machine to help my back. One? Ok, I can do one. So I do the Ab/Back machine and pull 3 times on it. Hmmm, wheres the pain? As I look at Stephanie in disbelief she gets a grin on her face. Didnt say it but I knew what she would have liked to say: TOLD you so!!! Where can I sign up? And I did and go every day its open and NO more pain at all!!! I have by now also regained a whole lot of motion along with I have muscles now!!! I have also joined the weight loss challenge as I cant wait to get back to my normal weight and fit into my clothes again I wore the majority of my life. The monthly fee is also a lot cheaper than one single Chiropractor visit but the benefits here long outlast the single Doctor visit benefit. Day hikes here I come along with so many things I liked doing but little by little gave up due to pain. Thank you Curves!!! I will be forever grateful to Stephanie as I told her once, there is nothing I can do to ever make it up to her. How can you? Many thanks!!!!

I wrote that 2 years ago now and am so happy to say even a few surgeries later since then, no back pain and I have lost weight, too!!!! Not quite there but much closer than I was for the 18 years of gaining it with the constant pain. It has been an incredible life ever since, too since now I CAN go hiking and do and no more paralysis either from my crooked spine!!! My back muscles are so strong now I will not have that problem any time soon. My Doctor is totally amazed at this, too and I couldn't be happier!!!

Thank you so much for everything,
what a life changing experience this has been,

My Photos


Drinda L. Posted 10:49 07/1/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"Barbara is an inspiration ... she gives to others constantly and her positive attitude in the face of challenges is awesome!"
Rainbo R. Posted 10:52 07/1/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"Wow Barb...very impressive! You must be thrilled? [I know the back pain...]"
Donna T. Posted 11:31 07/1/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"You've done wonders Barbara. Good going girl!"
Melinda M. Posted 09:50 07/2/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"I am so happy and proud of you for doing a good thing for your self. It is so easy to just take a pill now day's and depend on them . You did'nt take the easy way out. Way to go."
Stephanie C. Posted 10:56 07/4/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"Barbara was easy to change into a Curves Woman. Once she came in the door and the 1st pull on the ab back. When she discovered how great it made her back feel. She called the next day (before she had her 1st workout) Just so she could use that ab back. She is a well know member at our Keizer Club. What a joy she is !"
Lynn B. Posted 03:54 07/9/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"Barbara, I knew you were one awesome lady, but never realized just HOW awesome. You inspire! I wish we lived closer! Hugs Lynn"
Sandy C. Posted 04:33 07/9/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"Gosh, Barbara . . . I didn't realize you went to Curves. So does my sister down in Billings! What an awesome story about a very awesome lady! Keep on keepin' on! Hugs, Sandy"
Sharon W. Posted 07:23 07/10/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"Barbara, way to go! I'm glad you can enjoy life without pain and you life has many more smiles."
Barbara L. Posted 09:22 07/13/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"You have been through so much and come such a long way !! Keep on enjoying life to the fullest ! :) Hugs, Barb"
PZimmerman . Posted 06:10 07/21/2009 - flag as inappropriate
Linda B. Posted 09:45 07/23/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"So inspirations, Barb. Way to go! Linda"
Connie H. Posted 12:21 07/29/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"A tough story by an remarkable woman - never give up! A great attitude uplifts everyone."
. Posted 08:02 08/3/2009 - flag as inappropriate