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Amy O.


Member Since October 2008

My Story
When I got pregnant with my first child in Oct. 2007, I was a healthy 130 lbs. As the pregnancy began, I began putting on the weight, rapidly. At 3 months pregnant, I was wearing all maternity clothes. At 4 months, I began experiencing severe edema, that would last throughout the rest of the pregnancy. I knew I could not last until my June 23rd due date. On my 34th birthday, June 6th, I went in for my check up to learn that my blood pressure was getting too high. They sent me home and told me to come back after the weekend. That was it. I was 214 lbs, swollen to the max and beyond miserable. I went in Monday morning and demanded to be induced. I delivered my son on June 10th. So now what? I came home from the hospital 207 lbs. Where do I start to regain myself? Everyone kept telling me, "Oh don't worry, the weight will just come off, you'll be back to normal in no time." No, the weight does not just come off. 3 months post partum, I was still swollen, my blood pressure still high, still carrying alot of extra weight and still wearing maternity clothes. I just could not function. My brother in-law was on Weight Watchers, so I learned from him and started the plan on my own. In Oct. 2008, I joined Curves. I had never been this size in my life, I was embarassed, I didn't want to leave the house. But the owner of Curves made me feel positive and she gave me encouragement and hope. Those monthly weigh-ins and measurements became my motivation, and she gave me praise and support with each month. I have hit a few plateaus along the way and she always reassured me. I just kept working on it everyday, writing down everything I ate and drank, making sure I worked out at Curves and on the days I couldn't make it to Curves, I would do the ellipitical machine and stability ball at my house, while my baby was in his walker.
So no, the weight doesn't just come off. I have had to work really hard to regain myself, and I'm really tired of the media showing off these new celebrity moms who leave the hospital looking pre-pregnancy. It's not real. It takes alot of work, on top of caring for a newborn. My goal was to have lost the 85lbs before his first birthday, today is his birthday and I have lost 80lbs. I am very proud of myself! Thanks to Curves for giving me the confidence to suceed.

My Photos


Zully O. Posted 11:00 06/9/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"Dear Amy, I just have read your story on the Curves page. I feel proud that you had the strength to work hard to be yourself again, now you will enjoy your life a lot more, and your baby will have a healthy mother¡ congratulations. My name is Zully, and I attend Curves, in San Antonio de Coronado, Costa Rica. Bye. "
Eileen L. Posted 08:30 07/26/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"You did an amazing thing for you and your son. You both look amazing. Not all pregnancies are the same.... signed mother of 3."