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Lindsey M.

Cedar Rapids

Member Since April 2009

My Story
My husband has told me every day since the day we met, just how beautiful and amazing I am. It wasn't until recently that I've been able to look him in the eye and really listen to him and believe the words he was saying to me. Every day I look at my three children and I am eternally grateful for the love they have given me, but they also gave me something else...something I severely wished to get rid of. With the help of the Curves staff and my hard work with the Curves Smart program I've lost 10 lbs in 3 months and over ten inches. I can finally look in the mirror and be truely thankful for everything, without the nagging voice in the back of my head telling me that I'm not good enough. There was a point just a few months ago that I would try on outfit after outfit until I finally just sat down on the bed and sobbed. I was so unhappy with how I looked that I just gave up on myself. It affected every aspect of my life. Many people would say, "You look great for a mom of three!" but that was exactly the problem, I looked like a mom of three. I had a stomach that bore the battle wounds of mulitiple pregnancies and c-sections. I was only 25 years old, but I was wearing clothes my grandmother would wear to hide my post-baby belly. Now I can confidently walk into a store and try on anything in there and feel great about myself. You just can't put a price on that.


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