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Deborah R.

Kansas City

Member Since April 2006

My Story
I have struggled with weight my entire life.
Three years ago when I joined Curves I was at my highest weight ever 378 pounds to be exact.I was a prisoner in my own body. I couldn't ride rides at amusement parks with my children. Going out to eat with my family was stressful, not only because of the stares and giggles, but there were many times that I could not fit into the booths or chairs. Little things like going to my childrens Christmas programs were stressful as well because I had to wedge myself into the seats,I sweated profusely, and I was in pain as a result of dragging all that excess weight around. Don't even get me started about clothing...I was at the biggest size that the plus shop carried..a 6X.
I was considering weight loss surgery and decided I had to give the diet and exercise thing a real chance. To be honest I didn't think I would survive a surgery and I have two amazing sons who needed me. I called the local Curves with my questions and concerns. My main concern was that the equipment would not be able to support me weight. My fears were quickly put to rest and I was encouraged to come in to try out the facility and consult with one of the staff.
I nervously entered Curves and was introduced to the circuit and was amazed that I could actually do it. I saw a glimmer of hope..add to that the fact that you can chat in the round with other women with a common goal to get or stay physically fit.
After doing the circuit 5 times a week for a month I lost 20 pounds and was encouraged to attend the 6 week nutrition classes. I lost another 23 pounds and gained a new understanding about food and how what I eat effects my body. There was so much to learn I took the class again and dropped another 20 pounds.
By the time my 1 year anniversary rolled around I had lost 100 pounds and found that Curves had given me the power to amaze myself. I have a wonderful group of girls I work out with at 5:30 in the morning with Monday through Friday..and their encouragement and inspiration as well as the encouragement of the staff have helped me to lose 200 pounds. I have gone from a size 6X to a size 10 and have become an entirely new person...a healthy person. It was not always easy..many times the scale stood still and I just tried to stay focused on how far I had come...not how far I had to go. Thanks to Curves I am no longer a prisoner...I have been set free..

My Photos


Helen G. Posted 05:27 06/24/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"Deborah has been an inspiration to all of us at curves. She is always ready to encourage and help anyone who ask. It has been an amazing journey to watch her melt away with exercise and her hard work. Thank you Deborah for being there for us."
Susy B. Posted 07:46 07/1/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"Deborah amazes me! Her health journey was never about being speedy; and she knew it wasn’t going to be easy. But not only did she WANT her dream, she made it into a goal by the simple act of ‘starting.” Her determination to realize her goal, her refusal to quit when it wasn't easy to continue on, has made her a true inspiration. However, her story is capable of reaching out to so many MORE women to encourage them that they too can walk the same path by turning their dreams into a goal and into reality. I'm so proud of you Deborah!"
Monica R. Posted 08:08 07/2/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"I've known Debbie for about 6 years and I can tell you that she is my hero. She has done something that is SO amazing! Not only does she look GREAT but you can tell there's a great feeling that comes with her accomplishments. To see how far she has come and how happy she is even though it wasn't easy...that in itself is inspiration."
. Posted 07:36 07/2/2009 - flag as inappropriate
William-DAD Z. Posted 09:06 07/5/2009 - flag as inappropriate