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Leah W.

Fort Worth

Member Since September 2007

My Story
My story actually begins several years ago when, for some unknown reason, I began gaining weight, and gaining very quickly. I was never really slim, but I had gotten into pretty good shape and was feeling good. But then this happened and the weight began piling on.

Then one night my heart began banging inside my chest. And I do mean banging! It was like an alien was trying to climb out of my chest. I was rushed to the hospital and was admitted for cardiac trouble. As it turned out, I had a severe case of atrial fibrillation.

Several months passed and I didn't have any more trouble with my heart, but the weight was still piling on. By now I was up to 325 pounds and starting to feel desperate for help. I wanted to lose weight!

A nuclear test was run to determine what was going on with my thyroid and it showed that I had absolutely no thyroid activity. My Endocrinologist kept telling me to drop more and more calories from my diet. I was now down to 900 calories a day, more weight piling on, and feeling hopeless.

This is when I began CURVES. For the first year, I lost no weight. In fact, I kept gaining! And three more AFIB attacks took place. This time the Cardiologist felt it was too risky for me to keep working out until we could get a handle on my rapidly climbing weight.

As my weight began to climb (I was now up to 385), I became angry that I had to give up my CURVES and finally changed doctors. It was after changing physicians that more tests were run, I was placed on the appropriate medicines for my condition, and it was discovered that I am diabetic as well.

It was also when the Cardiologist told me that, had it not been for the year that I worked out at CURVES, I would have likely ended up having to have a heart regulator implanted in my chest!

Yes, CURVES kept me from having to get major cardio surgery!

I have lost weight now and, thanks to CURVES, I am tightening up the loose skin and weakened muscles. I am down to 248 in a year's time (down from 385) and feeling groovy!

V. Leah Walker

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Angie R. Posted 07:58 06/22/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"You are definately an inspiration to all women trying to get their lives back. "
Al C. Posted 10:07 07/29/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"Good going, Kid! Keep it up. Love you."