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Terri W.


Member Since October 2008

My Story
I had been a previous member back in 2003, but stopped attending after getting married, moving in with my husband's parents, having a miscarriage and going through a period of depression. After all of that and 5 years had passed, I had gained 25 pounds and realized that it wasn't going to get better until I did something about it. I am only 5'2", so 25 pounds is a huge amount added on such a small frame. And I was overweight for my size back in 2003 already! So after I had celebrated my 46th birthday, I decided that I should take a step to getting healthy and losing weight before the holidays arrived. I rejoined Curves and realized that it would take more than just exercise to lose the weight, but it was a great place to start. I have lost 15 pounds so far and over 15 inches all together, and am well on my way to achieving my goal. I got a friend to join up as well and we motivate each other to keep going. But the best part of my story is that my 16 year old daughter sees how well I am doing and tells me that she is going to follow in my footsteps and the way that I exercise and eat healthy. She has even started to eat vegetables, which is a major improvement to her diet. Feeling like a great role model for her is the best result that I have achieved so far!

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TINA . Posted 03:06 07/11/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"You look great! Keep up the good work and good luck. "
. Posted 10:12 07/21/2009 - flag as inappropriate
. Posted 10:13 07/21/2009 - flag as inappropriate