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Louise S.

Port Credit

Member Since June 2009

My Story
I have come to call CURVES "The Sisterhood". That title tells just what Curves means to me and to many of the women that I speak with when I attend. To begin with I am a senior citizen with all of the aches, pains and attitudes that go along with that stage in life. I had fallen into a routine of reading the newspaper, watching TV and helping out with my granddaughter once in a while. That pretty much summed up my life. It was the routine of many older persons - a sedentary life. I suffered from fibromyalgia and arthritis in some joints and constant tiredness and shortness of breath. Of course, I chalked all of that up to "old age" over which I had no control. For a long time I had put aside information on the wonders of exercise. I knew in my head that exercise is what keeps one alive, well and off of medication. That did not impress me or keep my attention.

Then after I moved to Mississauga from N.Y. state a year ago I was driving down the street and was struck by the CURVES marquee. It impressed me and beckoned me to stop and pay attention, which I did.

I went in and after learning about the program and the potential life changes, I joined on the spot. That move was the beginning of a total life change for me. Eight months later, not only have I lost weight, inches and lots of fat, but my mood and attitude are greatly improved and somehow my spirit seems lighter. The pain of fibromyalgia and arthritis is greatly reduced. My ability to balance myself is much better.

I will share a more specific benefit that I have derived from the CURVES staff and members. My husband recently died in N.Y. and after returning to Mississauga I was sad, grief stricken and felt deserted. I knew very few people here and felt so isolated. The CURVES staff and members embraced and supported me. They encouraged me to continue the exercise routine and constantly monitored me. They gave me hugs, kisses and all kinds of blessings. I know I felt better after each visit and am now moving back into my regular life's routine.

CURVES is to me not just a place to become physically fit. It is a family, a sisterhood, a place of refuge and wellness.


Melissa B. Posted 08:03 07/22/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"Love you Aunt Lou - good luck!"