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Rebecca M.

Hampton, VA

Member Since October 2006

My Story
After my yearly check-up in October of 2007 I realized I had to do something. I felt years older that my age at the time (43). My weight and cholesterol were both up, and I had been on high blood pressure medication for 3 years. I had degenerative arthritis in my knees so by the end of the day I had trouble getting up the stairs. My knees were constantly swollen and painful. I was usually too tired to participate in activities with my kids: I was a spectator. At that point I had been going to Curves on and off for a while, but hadn't really changed my eating habits or included other exercise. I was only going part of the way.

I started by making sure I had my 3 visits a week to Curves. I even wrote it in my day planner so it would be a part of my routine and I wouldnt forget. On 2 or 3 days of the week when I wasn't at Curves I walked, starting with just a half mile. I also made changes in my eating habits. I wouldn't call it a diet so much as finally eating the way I knew I should have been all along. It wasn't anything complicated, just smaller portions, a better balance of carbs and protein, and more fruits and veggies. My snacks changed from bagels, chips and salsa, and sweets, to fruit, low fat cheese or yogurt, Kashi bars, and Curves protein shakes.

The weight started to come off bit by bit, not overnight like some of the "quick fix" plans you see on TV. Personal milestones kept me motivated. I dipped below 200 pounds then I passed what I weighed before I had children, and then I got to what I weighed on my wedding day over 15 years earlier. Going into a store and knowing they'll have my size is something I no longer take for granted !

In the year following that doctor's appointment I lost 43 pounds, my cholesterol dropped from 192 to 158, I went from a size 18 to a 10, and my BP went from 142/90 to an average of 117/72 so I am off my blood pressure medication. While I will always have the arthritis in my knees, they hurt far less than they used to. I am up to 3 and 4 mile walks, and I even participate in 5K races where my sons run and I walk. I just feel better. And if I can do it, anyone can!!

My Photos


Debbie S. Posted 01:53 06/30/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"We are so proud of you, Rebecca!"
. Posted 04:49 07/1/2009 - flag as inappropriate
Beth B. Posted 05:36 07/2/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"Yay, Rebecca! You go girl!"
Susan H. Posted 12:59 07/3/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"Great job!"
Allyson S. Posted 09:03 07/3/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"Yay, Bec you have always been my hero and now you are my trimmer, longer lived hero!Love from me"
Sean M. Posted 06:06 07/6/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"Sweetheart, I'm so proud of you because you decided on your own to do this and you just went out and did it! Have I told you lately how lucky I am that I married you?"
. Posted 07:13 07/30/2009 - flag as inappropriate
Hope S. Posted 07:18 07/30/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"Gosh, I can remember when I signed up Rebecca at Curves. She has come such a long way and is truly an inspiration to women!!! I am so proud of YOU, Rebecca----YOU GO GIRL !!! "
Julie A. Posted 07:22 07/30/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"You look as great as you are! Congrats on your success."