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Pamela T.


Member Since January 2007

My Story
I am 51 years old, before joining curves I had joined many different gyms and clubs which just didn't seem right or keep me motivated, until curves it seems to be the right fit for me, I enjoy coming to curves where there is only ladies and you can talk and exercise and the time goes by so fast, and the machines work all the parts of your body, I have lost 30 pounds and have been able to maintain it. I go to curves also for health reason, I lost a sister to cancer a couple of years ago, and she would always tell me to exercise and eat right, I can remember going walking with her when she was alive, it really didn't sink in until another one of my sister's cancer came back after 24 years, and she had to go through her treatments, I then realized how important it was and is for me to make exercises a major part of my life. My cholesterol had gone down, and my blood pressure is great. I thank God for finding curves and joining it.


Berenda . Posted 12:33 08/12/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"Way to go Pam. I also attend the Curves in Bryam. I have not been as faithful as I need to be. But, your story has really inspired me. "