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Michelle B.


Member Since October 2005

My Story
I started at the Placentia South Curves in October 2005 and I love it. I had been dying to sign up since I found out about it, but my work schedule had never allowed it. As soon as my hours changed I went to my local Curves and signed up. my sister tried to tell me that it might not be a good enough workout for me because I was too active, but I found it sufficiently hard.
I try to work out Mon.-Fri. and I also walk every day and run three days a week and I hike on the weekends. Curves even got me involved in running 5K's and 10K's. There are a few of us that do it together. I am 42 years old. I have never really been overweight because I try to stay active. I am 5'3" and when I started at Curves my weight was 136 lbs.

To me my success has been from starting Curves Smart in Feb. 2008. I wasn't going to do it because I thought I worked out hard enough. Ha! That's a laugh. Curves Smart makes me work at least 10 times harder. I have seen my calorie count go from the low 500's to the 700's and sometimes 800's. Since October I have lost 18 lbs and gone down a couple of pant sizes. That has been exciting for me.

I don't feel that I get a lot of results compared to some of the other members, because I don't really have much weight to lose, but when I see my calories burned going up I feel like I have had a good work out for the day. And when other members tell me that their goal is to have a stomache that looks like mine or that I am their inspiration, I feel good that my work outs are paying off and that maybe I am encouraging someone else to push a little harder.

I love the Curves I belong to and the friends that I have made. The owner, Suzanne, is great! She really tries to make our Curves a fun and enjoyable place to work out at. Everyone I meet I tell about Curves and what a great workout and fun place it is. I hope to continue to workout at Curves into a very old age.


Kay S. Posted 11:58 07/2/2009 - flag as inappropriate
"Because of your gentle "nudging"to persevere, I am healthier and have lost weight. Thanks. You are truly amazing!! Good Luck!"