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Norma S.


Member Since March 2008

My Story
I just want to let everyone know what Curves has done for me and what Curves means to me.
I am a 58 year old retired nurse who HATES TO EXERCISE. I could find every excuse in the book not to work out. My husband had tired for years to get me to join his club but I didnt want to have to look and dress like a million dollars in order to try and get in shape.
I had retired the year before and had sat around the house feeling sorry for myself and packing on the lbs.I saw an ad on the TV for Curves. All I had to do was bring in a bag of food and join for $30. So in I marched with my 25 lbs.of food 1 lb.for every lb. I wanted to lose. Donna took me into the workout area and said this is Norma she just joined. I couldnt believe it people actually said welcome. There were all shapes, sizes and ages. I thought I can do this and not spend a fortune on workout wear in order to try and feel comfortable.
I have belonged to clubs before and paid my monthly fee for years and only worked out a couple of times and then never gone back. The reason being that the instructor would show me about 20 pieces of equipment once and then I was on my own.Oh sure I could have a personal trainer if I wanted but that was an additional charge per session but I hated every minute of it. So I thought lets give Curves a try, how hard can it be 30 min. 3 times a week I could swing that. How amazing to find out that I had a personal trainer all the time at no extra cost and I could work out at any Curves in the world.
As I was watching people at the various stations I am thinking 30 seconds at each station what good can that do well I sure found out and to my amazement I loved it.It suited my personality perfectly. It was structured and easy I just started and kept going until I was finished lost in the music and having a ball.There was always someone there to encourage me or help if I wasn't using the equipment properly. I was HOOKED I was having fun loving every minute of it and meeting new people.I was comfortable with how I looked and didnt worry about the lumps and bumps on my body.
It was time for my first month assessment. Well to my amazementI had lost 6 lbs. and 14 inches and it wasn't hard. I couldnt believe it the "back fat" was becoming a distant memory. I joined Curves Smart and that was when I really became hooked.I was having fun and for the first time looked forward to working out and loving what I was doing.It didn't hurt that people were beginning to comment on the new Norma. My husband couldn't believe that I was sticking to it.
Samantha knew that I loved the CD 70s workout and she would put that on when I came in I could easily burn over 500 cal on that workout. Lisa would always have recipes , treats and encouragement for us.
When people ask me about Curves I say I LOVE IT. I have more energy, feel better about myself and am more confident. Is Curves now a part of my life? You bet. Would I recommend Curves to anyone? Of course.
Thank you Curves for helping me to get in better shape and thank you for my new curves.

Norma S
Mississauga ont.


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